Thermal imaging- circles?

I did thermal imaging in a basement on an outer wall. Only one room on this side of the house had these circles. They are fairly organized circles, it seems.
Does anyone know what’s up?

What was your next ‘step’ after taking the above photos?


To put the photos in this forum and ask about the circles.


So, you had no formal Thermal training is what you are saying?

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It appears similar to the pattern used in attaching drywall to studs then doing the patch work over the screws prior to painting. Not sure if something like that would show up with thermal though… :man_shrugging:

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Not after the drywall mud is cured…

My first thought was heilical tiebacks, but there are ones in line with the window. (Above grade)

So that’s not likely


What was the moisture content of the anomalies and how did it compare to the surrounding area?


Obviously not all of these anomaly points were below grade as noted at least by the ones to the right of the window. What was visible on the outer wall and do you have visible light images of the exterior wall at those points?

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Is that a concrete wall or does it have some other material applied on the surface?

Could be. They are fairly perfect circles though…

It’s under grade. Concrete foundation yes.

Nothing seen on the outer wall. There was vinyl siding….

Was there sheetrock or paneling or some wall board?

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Some drywall installers are proud of their work… :wink:

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No anomalies seen otherwise. And no signs or indications of moisture intrusion.

So, it’s possible it’s the mud for the drywall? Even though it’s most likely cured and the other room didn’t have these same circles? :face_with_monocle:

Just painted drywall on this side. The exterior was vinyl siding. As pointed out, some circles are below grade and some above …

I have no idea. I was just mentioning the pattern, but my WAG is there is some type of a different composite in those areas…

No formal thermal imaging training. I’m currently in the learning stages, hence the forum post.

What did your moisture meter indicate?