Thin warm line interior wall

This house is vacant and has been for an unknown period of time and I was using my thermal camera to try to detect any more missing insulation and the ceiling because this whole entire subdivision extremely well known for having none or very very little in the Attic and walls. And I came across this thin warm spot and can’t figure out what could be causing it. It’s an interior wall separating dining room from utility room. Pictures on both sides and highly visible in the dining room but barely visible in the utility room. Their cadet heaters in the house so no funky hidden plumbing. I have not run any plumbing lines in this wall. Even the location I highly doubt there’s insulation on any interior walls I thought maybe it might be a gap in insulation but it doesn’t appear to be as evident on the other side. The whole house is pretty much equally cold as all the heaters have been off. Just like another opinion of what it could be not saying it’s a defect just like to know for future.

Electrical maybe? :man_shrugging:


I see washer supply lines - plumbing leak maybe? :man_shrugging:

Is this your house? I would open up the wall and take a peek.

And did you turn them on? Seems to be right in line with the wiring and outlets.


No not my house otherwise that wall would be OPEN!!!

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Did you check the area with a moisture meter? I like to use one in conjunction with the infrared. It often helps with sorting things out.

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Yes i did. No moisture was found

I think you need to turn your thermal toy off and focus on building inspections.
If you don’t know what your pointing the camera at, and how and why things work, your just going to get in trouble. Not picking on you, just stating the facts.

How is the building constructed at that location in Pic# 1? What is happening in accordance with building standards. Like framing vs. insulation ad ventilation. Is it really a significant issue?

You have a knee wall holding up roof rafters. The rafters are bird-mouth cut at the top of the wall plate, right? How much space is between the top plate and the roof deck?

What is the R Value in the wall and ceiling? How thick is that insulation to perform at that value?
Will it fit in that space?

How about the ventilation standard that is also a requirement? How much air has to flow through that space for proper ventilation?

Is there room for both? No there is not.
So after thinking about these things, why do you think it is warmer there?

Now you can move on to your other pictures.

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