This week's (January 9, 2024) Tuesday Night Auction (lot #3)

This week’s (January 9, 2024) Tuesday Night Auction for Cozy Coats for Kids is a big set of Pokemon and Magic (new) cards.

Auction items are being provided by Nick Gromicko


  • Auction starts now and ends around 7PM MST (9PM EST) on Tuesday night.
  • Winner will be the post with the highest bid as of roughly 7PM MST (9PM EST).
  • You can bid as many times as you’d like, as long as your new bid is higher than the previous bid.
  • Winner agrees to make a donation to the Cozy Coats for Kids charity for the amount they bid.
  • Winner’s company, company logo, and company contact info will be listed/promoted on the Cozy Coats for Kids’ Donors page forever… an added bonus for winning.
  • Inspector Outlet will contact the winner for shipping instructions (shipping included).
  • Maggie will contact the winner for payment.

Total approximate value of these items with shipping: No clue.

I start the bids at $20

I’ll bid $22.50 American Dollars.

30 dollars on this

$40 I will bid.

45 dollar this inspector has to catch them all :joy:

50 here from canada.

I got 75 dollars on it

@mrivera2 wins!

You can make your donation online at Donate Coats for Kids - Donate Online | Donate by Mail

Please email your shipping address to

Thanks for bidding, everyone :partying_face:

It’s not January9th yet Maggie.

Thanks, Dave! I accidentally ended this one with the other eight auctions ending last night.

Scratch that @mrivera2! This auction will still end January 9th.

1 Like

I’ll bid $90.00

I bid - $100 :+1::+1:

I’ll bid $125

I’ll bid $130

I bid 150 now

@maey Is this one still ending tonight?

Pass on the cards… what’s the barber say??? NEXT.

:rofl: These make kids happy…I sure don’t understand them, but I’ll be the cool aunt with them. Haha


@jgabbard wins! Sorry I’m on vacation and missed lot #3.

Thanks for bidding. You can make your donation online at Donate Coats for Kids - Donate Online | Donate by Mail

Please email shipping address to