Today's Daily Door Prize donated by Nick Gromicko.

A check from me for $99.95 (NACHI member price) to attend any ICC Boot Camp being taught by NACHI members Greg Bell and Joe Burkeson.

First one to reply to this post with their name, city, state and NACHI ID# wins.

Brian E Kelly

How’re ya gonna git there Brian?

(btw, nice!)

Good point Wendy, Nick pass ot on to the next HI as I doubt I will make it to Florida in the near future.

NACHI06020692 Name:Wendy ForsythContact:E-Mail Wendy ForsythNACHI ID:NACHI06020692City: SheltonState/Province: Wa

Can I donate it to someone now?


Unless someone is donating the plane fare as well? :wink:

Andrew Cox
Kissimmee, FL
NACHI # 06050997

It’s yours Andrew. I pass it to you. :slight_smile:

Have fun! :slight_smile:

Andrew wins!

See ya all tomorrow with another great Daily Door Prize!

:-;; Andrew I have one qustion for you. What the hell are you doing on the NACHI web site at 2 in the morning!!!

Brian & Wendy,

There is no problem for us to deliver our Boot Camp in Arizona or Washington, heck we are willing to go wherever we can help. :smiley:

Trying to win a door prize!:smiley:
Actually - there is So-o-o-o much great info here, I have to read whenever I have the chance!

DARN IT! :slight_smile:

Oh well…You have a standing invitation Joseph. :wink:

Well Andrew I guess I will see you at the camp

Cool - BTW, thank you Nick and especially Wendy!

Congratulations Andrew,

Please send me an e-mail to with your name, address and phone. You will need either the 2003 or 2006 IRC one and two family dwellings book with the index tabs. I look forward to meeting you at the seminar.

Awwww…Thanks so much Andrew!!! You are so very welcome!!! :slight_smile: I hope you enjoy and reap many rewards. :slight_smile:

feeling all warm and fuzzy*