I remember a comedian holding up a mockup of Trump’s severed head.
I remembered how they burnt down entire cities and private property.
I remember watching the Olympic boxing match where some dude beat the crap out of a Polish woman.
I remember people being fired from their jobs if they refused to take the government needle.
I remember how they ran a thief, kamala harris who tried to steal my little children’s (Pace, Jette, and Abby’s) inheritance by proposing to tax unrealized gains.
I remember 4 years of attacks, b.s. lawsuits, charges, and impeachment hearings to try to keep Trump from running again.
I remember how they kneeled to honor a career criminal who was convicted of holding a gun to a pregnant woman’s belly while he assaulted her.
I remember how kamala harris our border czar let thousands of criminals into our country who then laced drugs with Fentanyl to kill our people.
I remember maxine waters telling her followers to harass us in restaurants.
I remember the pre-Musk Twitter censors cancelling Trump’s account and mine.
I remember when biden weaponized the world’s reserve currency despite even Obama explaining that it would harm America.
I remember the last time Trump won and they wore vagina hats to his inauguration.
I remember when they charged Trump with 34 felonies for normally-unprosecuted misdemeanors that were past their statute of limitations.
I remember when they pulled Trump’s liquor licenses at his hotels (how sissy was that?)
I remember week’s of liz cheney holding Jan 6 hearings where the opposing side wasn’t allowed to testify.
I remember being refused service for wearing a red cap that merely said we should make America great again.
I remember when they got caught fabricating the Russian collusion dossier.
I remember being told that I have to refer to a single person as “they.”
I remember watching a weirdo dude dressed up like a woman going into a woman’s bathroom where little girls had gone in first.
I remember how the FBI hid hunter biden’s laptop contents.
I remember watching some scumbag cheater dude steal a medal and scholarship money from the winner in a woman’s swimming match.
I remember how they provided no security and allowed Trump to be shot.
I remember when they murdered an unarmed, female veteran protestor exercising her First Amendment rights in the proper venue: where government is and didn’t even charge the shooter.
I remember big dudes proudly holding up medals they won in women’s sports competitions.
I remember how they used the justice department to pressure social media platforms to suppress the truth, and how Mark Zuckerberg apologized for letting them do it.
I remember how they used public funds to produce a play in Central Park about killing Trump.
I remember the FBI director james comey using his public office to harm Trump
I remember when robert de niro yelled “F…” Trump at the Tony’s and got a standing ovation.
I remember when Nancy Pelosi was handed a copy of Trump’s State of the Union Address and she tour it into pieces.
I remember biden sniffing women’s hair and groping pre-teen girls, still on video for all to watch.
I remember getting banned for posting about the biden’s off shore shell companies funded by foreign entities.
I remember when Trump’s staff were spied on by our government.
I remember when biden ordered a raid on Mara a Lago and ordered use of deadly force.
I remember when an ASHI inspector shot five senators on a ball field.
I remember when retailers like nordstrom boycotted Trump’s daughter’s clothing line.
I remember how they told me to trust their science while at the same time telling me that there are 67 genders and that chromosomes (which you can’t change) don’t matter.
I remember being called a NAZI even after explaining I had a Jewish heritage.
I remember them trying to disarm me and my neighbors while pardoning his son for gun charges.
I remember when biden threatened to withhold a billion dollars in taxpayer funding if Ukraine didn’t stop investigating his son.
I remember how they made fun of Melania’s accent and earlier modeling career.
I remember biden calling me “garbage.”
Well said.
We managed to overcome the fraud in the 2024 Presidential election, now the work begins in taking back our nation. It will not happen overnight the DS swamp deep and wide.
If you haven’t seen the latest on USAID and the shenanigans going on there, you really should look into it. It’s quite entertaining!
They funneled 53 Million to Ecohealth Alliance who then funded WuHan who then released, accidentally or otherwise, Covid-19.
These Jokers at USAID are infested, top to bottom with CIA Moles and it is literally a CIA slush fund operation. Those condoms going to Gaza? Yeah, USAID. They don’t use them for anything but making bombs by the way.
The heads of USAID denied entry to the DOGE Team. It’s not working out well for them ;). The whole operation needs wrapped up, dismantled and scattered to the wind.
Pam actually held some builder(s) (partially) responsible for some of the shoddy work and deceptive practices that are so common in new construction down here.
Since I posted that, it’s gotten even more ridiculous. USAID has been “funding” an insane amount of absolute garbage with tax dollars. I refuse to believe some of these things are actually what they are titled. I assume most of it was simply payoffs. The white house press secretary read off a list. I’m quite sure there’s more.
People should be CHEERING that a bunch of waste and fraud have been found.
They aren’t? Now why would that be? Oh, right, they were on the business end of receiving that waste and graft. Cutting off the gravy train is going to hurt.
Literally nothing that made it to the approval stage was EVER denied. After all, Uncle Sam has endless money. Just tax the plebes and by the way, hire some more IRS agents, see if we can’t squeeze some more out of the people cuz daddy needs a new Ski boat!
Just because a guy with 2 weeks of experience in government thinks it is waste and fraud, doesn’t mean he is right. I’m not saying it is or isn’t, but musk hasn’t provided the public with much evidence or justification that what he is cutting is truly waste or fraud.
If you keep contorting yourself to think that funding a trans comic book in Peru is acceptable, you’re going to find yourself in laid up somewhere in traction. Prima Facie these are waste.
As the days progress we find USAID fingerprints over the various foreign rent-a-mobs, color revolutions, and media. It also probable that even the 2020 summer of love with Saint Floyd and the firey but peaceful mobs have the stink of USAID all over it. They apparently ran out of external politics to muck with so they started mucking about at home.
All that news coming out of Ukraine? USAID was the paymasters of those media companies, so a politician holds up a story from Ukraine and builds policy on it. Funny that…craft a narrative, push it out to a foreign source, print it off and use it for policy. Oh and get paid doing it. Talk about chickens coming home to roost and bringing the pot and a bag of cash.
I pity those who remain afflicted by TDS, who love a massive government that cherishes our bureaucracies and Marxist institutions, who love the status quo, who fear bold leadership, and who prefer to live in silent desperation as the government takes their privacy, their wealth, and ultimately their freedom by force.
Funny, if you see a company in the news getting shut down, do you care? Do you send your children out with a cardboard sign? Do you whine and moan about it in the media?
If it’s a company in your town that is responsible for half the taxes, what do you do? Is that when the children with the signs show up?
I do not believe for a second that Chuck Schumer would show up anywhere unless it affects him directly.
All these pols that show up in DC with nothing to their name and retire with gold lined limos are and were feeding at this trough. It does affect them, so they screech loudly.