Actually, Trump is Making a Strong Comeback

Continuing the discussion from Biden is pretty smart, actually:

It’s quite fitting that Nikki won the DC swamp. That will be her only win. Super Tuesday gonna continue the Land slides that have already taken place.

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I agree with the SCOTUS ruling today underlying that Congress determines who is subject to Article 14, section 3 of the the Constitution. Congress, as we know it, will never act on the Constitution. It was a simple ruling by SCOTUS.

I’m glad that all “candidates” are allowed on all ballots. More the reason for “election fraud” to rise again in 2024… :shushing_face:


I as well.

It should be noted that the SCOTUS made no decision on Trump’s fitness to be on the ballot, only that the States do not have the power to invoke Section 3 of the 14th Amendment in order to keep a presidential candidate off the ballot.

For those that want to read the court’s opinion…


Also noted that it only pertains to Federal Elections, not state elections. So a state still can exclude anyone running from office in their state, if deemed in violation of A14a3… :thinking: I think there is a suit involving MTG here in the state. :thinking:

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The crowd was rethinking their devotion there for a minute, lol. And then the confused look on his face when he realized he didn’t know what he was saying or where he was gonna go next. :confused:

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Must be a different video :man_shrugging:

But, but Biden is worse. Wait for it… :rofl: I agree that both have their “mental” lapses, and it’s a shame neither party has put forth a viable candidate…

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You beat everyone to it. Thank you! The 10 minute video David posted above could probably go over an hour of 0biden gafs.

Told ya!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :shushing_face:

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What do you not understand in my statement? :roll_eyes:

Yup. Thread title is Trump, but if you try to talk Trump, everyone just wants to talk Biden. :man_shrugging:

Of course! They have “BDS” :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :shushing_face:

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Trump, Trump, Trump 2024! Tomorrow Trump is gonna roll the Trump train to a landslide win on Super Tuesday.


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Just a reminder…

Ah yes, the Red Wave. That was deep state for sure. Bill Gates had it cancelled.

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Trump getting ready to speak again tonight from Mara Lago. I’d expect some reflection on the landslide 9-0 victory favoring … and Super Tuesday preview. Trump is live NOW.