Originally Posted By: jsmith10
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It depends on if the A/C is for the entire house or are they only cooling a certain area.
As a Home inspector do you feel confident in doing an energy assessment on the house to advise them on the proper size of A/C they require?
Is the house well insulated? how much window coverage on the south and west side of the house. What type of window’s do they have? Are the walls insulated? and there is much more.
I am a licensed HVAC journeyman and in so I feel confident that I can but I am experienced and that go's with my licence.
As a home inspector do you feel your qualified to give that info?
Most power companies will provide a FREE energy assessment of a home/business for proper sizing of mechanical equipment and insulation requirements.
For a home inspector I would recommend that possibly a comment to say would be something to the effect of:
A/C, furnace, or heater appears to be undersized for this home. Recommend further evaluation by a qualified HVAC craftsman or contacting your local power company as many provide this service at no charge.
You might look for the utility companies web site or contact info for this service and provide that for your clients.
Just a suggestion as there are a lot of variables that are involved as what one person needs is not necessarily what another needs.
I hope this helps.
If anybody has any questions concerning HVAC please feel free to contact me via email as I'd be more than happy to help.
Very good question though as many are undersized as builders are always's cutting corners and the HVAC is one of the biggest they use here in Idaho anyway.
Vice-President, Idaho Chapter,
Inspected as though my family are to live or work there.