uneven floors

Originally Posted By: Rafael
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In homes that have a crawl space or basement, the problem of sagging floors can often be rectified quite easily, by the insertion of a floor jack, or supporting posts or pillars right. But what causes these floors to be uneven?

Originally Posted By: apfaff
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There are many causes, but the most common in older homes is poor construction practices. The enforcement and understanding of loads and spans of joists and flooring systems has only been adhered to in the last 30 years or so. That doesn’t mean that you will not find these problems in later homes but it is less common. Then when you add other factors such as age or overloading, and modifying, you can have more sagging. The flooring system must be evaluated and material spans and support should be calculated by a qualified structural engineer.

I hear my old farmer neighbors saying "they don't build them like they used to" To this I reply "And its a good thing"

The wood in 100 year old homes is often larger and older growth meaning it was stronger for its size, but the building practices were varied and usually under built.

Aaron Pfaff

Originally Posted By: Rafael
This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.

Thanks Aaron , I appreciate the feedback and knowledge you have given me. I do have a better understanding .