I am selling my home and just had a home inspection and was hoping someone here could answer a question for me. Not sure about the rules here. My apologies if this is not allowed.
The inspector noted that there needs to be vapor barrier between the posts and pads in the crawl space. I think it is ok as the posts seem to be pressure treated. Was wondering is someone could advise as raising the foundation of a 2 year old to fix this is daunting.
Inspector said “No moisture barrier between posts bases and concrete pads.”
Wayne - The inspector noted “Crawl space clean, dry with 6 mil. vapor barrier in place”.
Claude - I don’t think so. The wooden pier is directly on the concrete pad, which is what I understand the inspector to be noting. What I understood from my research, and what my realtor understood from his, was that concrete in direct contact with wood was only allowed if the wood was pressure treated.
Is there a way to tell, from the pictures posted, if those piers are pressure treated? And is there any merit to this being allowed for pressure treated?
This house is only two years old, and if mine is flawed, there’s 50 more just like it with the same issue.
Reading through this forum, I’ve found opinions that these supports in contact with cement should be either pressure treated or have a barrier between, and others suggesting that is not required when the connection point is greater than 8 inches off the soil. In my situation here, it seems that the wood is pressure treated and certainly well beyond 8 inches from the soil. If both of these conditions are true, is there a legitimate reason for me to go through the expense of inserting a barrier between post and pad?
I guess my option here is to hire my own inspector to dispute the original inspector’s claim?
2304.11.2.7 Posts or columns. Posts or columns supporting permanent structures and supported by a concrete or masonry slab or footing that is in direct contact with the earth shall be of naturally durable or preservative-treated wood.