Walking roofs of various pitches

8-12’s are a breeze. 10-12’s are too steep. I am really looking forward to the FAA getting their act together so we can do inspections within 5 miles of any airport without filling a flight plan and waiting 90 days for a response.

Hey sister here is today’s roof inspection what is this crap you don’t walk a metal roof with a pitch. I bet you wear pink ruffled panties also. This roof had big problems best observed from on the roof. :mrgreen::stuck_out_tongue:

What’s the problem, it can’t leak with 3 layers of composite roof shingles underneath. ;):slight_smile:

Be careful young man. I don’t want to send flowers to the Wife. :slight_smile:

I’m good Marcel just another day at the office:D Harry used ridge caps for Valley metal and placed it on top ??? Yeah there was a little extra weight :wink:

With all that asphalt its hard for the screws to reach the wood decking:roll:

The roofer showed up while we were doing the inspection .
He looked at the roof and said I am not doing this roof the dump fees will cost me more then I am getting paid and away he went .

The next 90 mph wind should fix that problem Charley. :wink:

If you think the roof is safe then by all means walk it, if not don’t.

Charley has to get up close because he can’t see, I could see the damm defects he is pointing out in his pics from the ground.

I did not point them all out did you change your name to DuPont;-)

Thats the problem some people think flat roofs are not safe. There is this thingy called height fear:shock:

Up to 10/12 we normally climb and walk all but bangor slate on 3-story houses.

After 10/12 we hook a rope to the winch on my 4x4 … put a ladder to the eaves and throw OR shoot the rope over the top of the roof with a cross-bow. Then pull it over the roof. Its knotted so we can then easily scale the rear of the roof UNLESS the sellers or agents object to our scaling the roof that way and then we use binoculars.

All my guys are ex-military and rappelling or scaling was part of their previous careers.

HOWEVER, there are some agents or sellers kind of queasy that us walking up the side of their house may damage siding, etc. You gotta play it by ear.

Hey Buddy your eyes are brown because you a full of Shi*:stuck_out_tongue: Talk to ya next week I am off to San Antonia . I am carrying my hardware just in case someone tries to re-take the Alamo:D:D

Hi Charlie, remember me? It’s Kenton!

One of the important tenants of home inspection according to the SOPS (and very, very basic to what we do) is that it’s not a technically exhaustive inspection. We don’t have to do it to the same level as a contractor. The risk of lawsuits that other inspectors run are none of your concern, that’s for them to decide, and considering that our SOPs are published, not walking roofs is not likely to get inspector into much trouble if they adequately educate their clients.

Well you probably pointed out the ones you could SEE… :cool:

Hey BK I bet you wear duct tape around the bottom of your pant legs when you climb a roof. That is true is it not???:wink:

I like Keaton better:p No we should perform at a level above a contractor. We should shine like a Diamond in a goats Butt.

A roof will get you in a Truck load of trouble if not inspected properly. Say you give the roof a good smile of approval and the insurance company finally gets around to inspecting the clients roof 2 weeks after closing and they cancel the policy for excessive age or hail damage. You just swallowed a roof covering how does it taste.

You will never convince me that home inspectors don’t walk a roof because of safety. They don’t walk it because of a soft SOP that states they don’t have to.:shock:

In my area we have a lot of roofers that will not go over 8/12 on a wood shake roof without nailing toe blocks onto the roof AND we got a butt load of 9/12 - 10/12 or steeper roofs WHERE you can put a Greyhound Bus in the attic.

During the past 10-12 yrs I’ve known of probably 5-6 guys sliding or falling off roofs (several were ranch homes) and breaking legs, backs, and 1 or 2 killed.

Walk what you need to … DO NOT ever let yourself get pressured into walking a roof that looks or feels unsafe. AND always remember … YOU are NOT writing a work order for every defect for the contractor to bid off.

Often you drive up a driveway, AND can see enough defects from the ground to know you should call for a roofer to evaluate AND repair or replace roofing and accessories as needed.

Safety always comes first. A roof will get you killed too or hurt to a level that you can’t work or may never walk again.

We give no badges of courage here for walking a roof. In the SOP or not! By the way, guess who is going to get sued if your SOP required you to walk a roof? The good folks in this organization have thought this through.

It just takes one…

Yes I suppose ya wear duct tape around the bottom of your pant legs just like BK:p

That’s BS. I make way above $200K per year and one of the highest rated inspectors in my market and I NEVER walk a 2 story house. Been doing this almost 15 years. SELDOM do I walk a 2 story unless it’s a low pitch ranch. If you walk a roof, make sure your wife has really nice life insurance policy on you because she very well may need it. And by all means make sure you have a good long term disability policy on you (you need that anyway).

P.S. Never been sued. Never been in court. :slight_smile: