Wanted: Good MWBC (multi-wire branch circuit) Diagram

Maybe it’s a Minnesotan thing? Lol.
My clients are typically very inquisitive at the walk-through. Some of these more complicated issues can take a long time to go over on-site.

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Doncha know!

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I look at it like this: These breakers needs a handle tie. The lack of a handle tie does not offer important safety protection. Move on.

The illustration in the report will not hurt and it may help, I dunno. But you will look super smart :wink:

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Hey, I need all the help I can get! :sweat_smile:


Nice illustration.
As a general note, explanations for things that are right are rarely needed or those conversations are short. It’s the things that are wrong with very inquisitive clients, that can push us into lengthy essays and deep into our “well of knowledge”. I had a four-hour inspection yesterday on a house that should have only taken 2.5-3 hours. But that is our business.

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Thanks so much for the graphic @rmayo . I used it in a report today!
Just curious, I always call it a “handle tie”. Is “tie handle” used by some, or is that a whoopsie?

“Hot water heater”… :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:


The NEC uses the term handle ties.

240.15(B)(1) Multiwire Branch Circuits.
Individual single-pole circuit breakers, with identified handle ties, shall be permitted as the protection for each ungrounded conductor of multiwire branch circuits that serve only single-phase line-to-neutral loads.


Now you need a graphic explaining why a handle tie is required and why the breaker must be on leg A and B. Also a graphic showing what can happen to plugged-in equipment when neutral is lost at the panel or somewhere upstream of several receptacles of a MWBC (I hope you know this one); your clients should know this probably more than why a handle tie is needed.


Maybe someday! I don’t want to throw them at Randy too fast, lol. He might block me! He sure knocked this one out of the park though.

Ryan, Changed Tie Handle to Handle Tie


Thank you Randy!


Very nice graphic Randy. :+1:


Thanks for the illustration.

I know you have mentioned it before, but what software are you using for these illustrations and how long did it take you to make this one?