Was my price to high?

Well i have inspection plus a possible second one with this person so it worked out. Yes I screwed myself out of money but I learn from my mistakes so… Thanks for the advice everyone!!


Nope! Got your foot in the door. Do a good job and adjust your pricing from there.


Think of it as an introductory price. Sounds better. :wink:


Please inform me what his Real Success is? Bullying, Cheating, Corruption. It will all come out.
And if you measure American success by Trump’s standards, Vladimir Putin must look like a very successful American. :wink:

Everyone knows Trump and Putin … who’s your president?
… it doesn’t matter

As a non-citizen in this country your opinion means squat


Since we’re on politics now: Did anyone notice the wire that Ol’Joe was wearing last night at the debate? He had to have a coach telling him what to say. You won’t hear or see this in the communist news networks. But the truth (with videos) is coming out on YouTube and social media. See Alan Sabrosky on Twitter or Facebook.


On another note, out of respect for inspectors who don’t want to be involved or hear others points of views on the subject, political BS should be kept to the NFE area.

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Well, THIS matters, boy. If it were Trump that got caught, I’d be telling it too. The fact is that (80-year-old?) Joe Biden has lost the mental competence required to be President. Joe is just a stalking horse for Harris or Pelosi. Have that with your lunch.

Yea, it only matters to weak minded keyboard hero’s.

Now go revel in your RW propaganda and try not to slobber all over yourself too much.

Joe Biden is incompetent and so are you if you don’t see the importance of this.

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Canada’s queen must be pretty lame. The Canadians are always interested in the country that leads.

April, never sweat the jobs you miss especially when the facts are soft… Not knowing your location I’d say you were probably way low, here in Tampa $350 is the price for a condo inspection.


I never give a price when somebody calls me while I’m driving. I always look up the property on the PA website. Agents are known for not telling you the whole story on the property. First off they always tell you just the living area and not the total sq. ft of the property. There could be outbuildings that are never mentioned, but they expect an inspection on them also. Inform yourself before you ever quote a job or it will come back to haunt you. Believe me it has happened to me several times in my 21 yr career as a HI


Might be good to let this go.
Sorry for my last post, April.

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I am licensed in Virginia and Maryland, what is happening here is that real estate agents are telling their clients to call the inspectors to ask prices and find the cheapest one, and there are inspectors who are throwing themselves on the ground with prices for the demand for housing in the area. Realtos are bidding without inspection and without appraisal to win bids.

Get off this sight if your going to spread rumors, you sound like Realtors . Stop it and get back to business

I’m referring to Trump uninformed statements

I don’t know what you are talking about. It will all come out. “His creditors threatened to force him into personal bankruptcy, Trump: My dad gave me a ‘small loan’ of a million dollars.
All on record by the way.

April …

I’m in Kansas City. I’ve got a gob of local inspectors (InterNACHI, ASHI or independent) that will go up to 3,500sf or 4,000sf for a flat fee of $325 to $350 all day long. Some are new BUT a lot are 5-12 yr veterans with 3-5 inspectors working for them AND they offer the 90 day warranty’s, onsite reports,. etc, etc. I even saw a licensed PE last week doing home inspections for $335 up to 3,000sf

IF these guys gave a discount it would be EVEN lower. I’ve even seen 3 inspectors advertising they’ll get to you in 48 hours or its FREE