Water heater sitting on rigid foam insulation?

Opinions wanted. Its a 62 gal. electric water heater sitting on hard rigid foam insulation so it appears, and on a basement floor. Looks in fine shape and not crushed. This alright?


Peter, I really don’t know if it will settle in the future, as you probably don’t either.

I wouldn’t want it in my house. I can just see the foam settling in the future and straining the water lines, my thoughts anyway.

The weight from 62 gallons plus the tank must be enough to crush it but it appeared to have been there a while. The water lines are flex copper. And its electric. No strain I was say if it moves.

Maybe never a problem I guess, but you never know.

The installation instructions do not call for it I know that much…:smiley:

Cover Plastic Insulation
Polystyrene and Polurethane insulations create a sever fire hazardwhen left exposed. When ignited ,they burn rapidly and give of toxic fumes. Both types of insulation are considered safe when covered. Inside a house or garage they should be covered with 1/2 inch of drywall.

Roy Cooke

Was there an issue with moisture in the basement? I’ve seen enough WHs with rusty legs due to contact with water, etc. If there is a water problem in the basement, that WH should be elevated or relocated.

At the big orange tool box they sell those foam pads specifically for water heaters.

If it had seismic strapping in addition to being electric with flex lines I don’t think there is much of a problem other than the exposed foamed plastic as Roy mentioned. In this area technically all foamed plastic should be covered yet I have seen exposed polyurethane spray foam in the local fire department building. :roll:

Paul Hinsperger
Hinsperger Inspection Services
Orangeville Ontario

The Energy and Environmental Builder’s Association recommends this:

“Set an electric water heater on 1 inch of extruded polystyrene foam insulation. Most **electric **water heaters have no insulation on the bottom.” [Bold added]

Now, will this lead to a discussion on:
-extruded polystyrene
-expanded polystyrene
-extruded expanded polystyrene ?

All very interesting and I will have to look for it at HDepot. Again it showed no signs of crushing etc and its better than sitting on the concrete I think.

The floor just might be warmer then the water coming in so how is the Foam going to help with temp loss.
The water in than is hot at the top and cold at the bottom.
Roy Cooke

They install heaters like that alot in my area, always better with a drain pan. The one in my house is also installed like that. It prevents heat loss to the concrete floor.

The water shouldn’t be cold for long…if the heater is working properly. :smiley: