Anyone see anything wrong with this water line?
The copper lines at the sub floor look fine unless it is an unheated crawlspace, then it would be wise to insulate.
The pipe on the crawlspace floor looks like a condensate line for the HVAC system. If the pipe on the ground is a water line then it is poorly located.
Is the line on the floor the one you are inquiring about?
Is the crawl heated or unheated?
Thats the water line on the floor and its unheated
If that in fact is a water line it is in need of repairs or replacement. There are copper pipes in the sub floor, what does that line on the crawl floor service?
Unheated crawl needs the water pipes insulated, and the pipe on the floor should be relocated, removed or whatever.
I would hope it’s no longer in use
Short of recommending insulation on the main, why be an alarmist about a galvanized pipe on the ground in a crawl space? It isn’t subject to damage in that location. Why go to the expense to hang it from the joists or bury it? Cut into old galvanized pipe to move it? You are asking for more trouble than it is worth.
It looks like PVC to me, which is not allowed in crawlspaces in CA.