Florida Inspection News: July 2, 2010
InterNACHI accepts Citizens Property Insurance’s ITN. Last month, InterNACHI submitted more than 5,000 pages of documents to Citizens Property Insurance Corporation in response to their Invitation to Negotiate(ITN) to supply inspection management services for all their insured properties. InterNACHI winning this contract would mean tens of millions of dollars of 4-Point, Wind-Mitigation and commercial property inspections for InterNACHI members. Citizens already uses InterNACHI’s Universal 4-Point Inspection form.
**Get Wind Mitigation Inspection-Certified. ** InterNACHI recently released its free, online Florida Wind Mitigation Inspection Course. This advanced course teaches the inspector how to conduct a proper wind mitigation inspection, including how to report findings to the client or insurance company. The 16-hour course includes 270 photos, graphics, tables and diagrams, 18 quizzes, a free 50-question final exam, and a downloadable Certificate of Completion. This certificate will be a requirement to participate in the Florida insurance inspection network, so take the course today at:
**InterNACHI is recommended in Angie’s List article about Florida home inspectors. ** InterNACHI’s founder was quoted in a June 24, 2010 Angie’s List article about Florida home inspectors. The article also includes a photo of an InterNACHI member in action and a link to www.NACHI.org. Read the entire article by visiting:
Get Chinese Drywall Inspection-Certified. NACHI.TV recently released its Chinese Drywall Inspection course. This course teaches the Florida inspector to perform inspections of Chinese (tainted, contaminated) drywall at residential properties using visual-only inspection techniques. The video course includes 60+ photos, graphics and diagrams, 5 quizzes, a 50-question final exam, and a downloadable Certificate of Completion. For more information visit:
Get your Florida Home Inspector’s license. The Department of Business & Professional Regulation has released the application to get a home inspector’s license and it is very education based. We are pleased that the Department agreed with InterNACHI and requires applicants to first complete inspection courses. You can acquire this education at no charge and online at:
**Attend the Florida Home Inspector Licensing Update Meeting on July 24th in Tampa. **The meeting will be held at the Service Master Classroom, 7840 Professional Place, Tampa, FL 33637 from 8 a.m. to noon. This event is open to everyone. You need not be a member of InterNACHI. Everyone is welcome. Register for this event at:
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**InterNACHI submits free, online courses for DBPR approval. **The requirements for initial licensure under the current rules include completion of a 120-hour course of study that covers a home’s structure, electrical system, HVAC system, roof covering, plumbing system, interior components, exterior components, and site conditions that affect the structure. InterNACHI was the first to submit to the DBPR a curriculum meeting the 120-hour course requirement. InterNACHI’s courses are free and online.
InterNACHI’s Founder meets with Florida Governor Charlie Crist. InterNACHI’s Founder Nick Gromicko recently met one-on-one with Gov. Crist to discuss the new home inspector licensing law. Gov. Crist offered his help in making sure all InterNACHI members acquire a Florida home inspector license.
**Licensing turns the Florida inspection industry into a marketing race. **As in other states that have adopted home inspector licensing, inspectors in Florida will now all be equally licensed and all listed on the same state list of licensed inspectors that real estate agents will all point to. In other words, everyone is back to square one. What will determine the winners? Marketing will. It’s now an all-out marketing race for inspectors in Florida. On your mark, get set, go!
**InterNACHI’s Florida inspector search sites generate 500,000 leads in seven months! **Inspector search sites such as FLHomeInspector.org, FL-Home-Inspector.org, FloridaHomeInspector.org, Florida-Home-Inspector.org, flhomeinspector.net, fl-home-inspector.net, floridahomeinspector.net, florida-home-inspector.net, flhomeinspector.com, fl-home-inspector.com and florida-home-inspector.com all contribute to keeping InterNACHI members busy.
Did you know that Florida is InterNACHI’s strongest market? As of the date of this letter, there are 1,183 InterNACHI members in Florida - - more than any other state or province in North America.
InterNACHI is Florida’s and the world’s largest non-profit association of inspectors. Here’s just some of what you get as an InterNACHI member:
· free, online, inspector education. Get your required education at your own pace with our free, online courses;
· free access to our Inspection-Related Article Library. Use them on your business website to improve your search-engine optimization. They are at www.nachi.org/articles.htm
](InterNACHI®️ Forum - InterNACHI®️ Forum - A community for home inspectors)· free access to the Inspection Graphics Learning Library. Include the free graphics in your inspection reports;
· inspection textbooks. Use them on the job as field guides. They are at www.nachi.org/gallery/
](InterNACHI®️ Forum - InterNACHI®️ Forum - A community for home inspectors)· free access to InterNACHI’s International Standards of Practice for Inspecting Commercial Properties;
· free access to MoveInCertified.com, which helps inspectors market their inspections to home sellers. And as you know, there are many homes for sale in Florida. Check out www.MoveInCertified.com
](InterNACHI®️ Forum - InterNACHI®️ Forum - A community for home inspectors)· free access to FetchReport. FetchReport lets you upload your inspection reports to the Internet;
· free inspection business websites at InspectorPages.com. You receive free hosting too. Check out InspectorPages.com;
· a free listing on InspectorSEEK.com;
· free, automated phone notification with your free listing on InspectorNOW.com;
· a free listing on CorrectInspect.com;
· a free listing on FindAnInspector.US;
· a free listing, along with a list of all of your various inspection services, on InspectorLocator.com;
· a free listing offering your renovation and annual inspection services on OverSeeIt.com;
· a free listing in the North American Directory of Inspectors at www.nachi.org/directories.htm
](InterNACHI®️ Forum - InterNACHI®️ Forum - A community for home inspectors)· free membership in IAC2. The International Association of Certified Indoor Air Consultants is the certifying body for home and building inspectors who have fulfilled certain educational and testing requirements, including those in the area of indoor air quality. There are no annual dues for members of IAC2;
· free membership in ComInspect, the network for commercial property inspectors at www.ComInspect.com
](InterNACHI®️ Forum - InterNACHI®️ Forum - A community for home inspectors)· and much, much more!
Get over $50,000.00 worth of free benefits to help your Florida inspection business succeed by visiting:
Nick Gromicko
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