Web Gallery Beta

Originally Posted By: Webmaster
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I’m working on a web gallery. Take a look at the beta version:


Please upload some images (NACHI members - use your members-only username and password, non-members must register for a username and password). Also feel free to suggest new categories and subcategories.

Your images won't appear immediately, but will be validated and resized, and then go up (it might take up to 24 hours).

Let's get this thing off the ground.

Chris Morrell
Director of Information Technology


Originally Posted By: jburkeson
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Have not viewed any other boards gallery, so don't have anything to compare it to, but I know what I like and this site looks great. I plan to contribute soon.


Joe Burkeson.

Joseph Burkeson, RPI (Hooperette)

?Anyone who has proclaimed violence his method inexorably must choose lying as his principle.?
~ Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Originally Posted By: jpope
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How do we contribute? Do we email pictures to you (Chris) or post them here on the BB somewhere?

Jeff Pope

JPI Home Inspection Service

“At JPI, we’ll help you look better”

(661) 212-0738

Originally Posted By: ltrower
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You have hit a home run with the bases loaded. I also see that you have actual names for the pictures unlike Branding X's board. Great job.

Lee Trower

Originally Posted By: Chris Morrell
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To contribute, simply log in with your members-only username and password, go to the gallery you want to contribute to, and hit the “upload” button.

Chris Morrell

Director of Information Technology



Originally Posted By: ecrofutt
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Once I hit the upload button, it uploads and displays the picture, then I have to go back to the gallery for that topic before I can get to the upload button again.

If I have five pictures I want to contribute, that's a bunch of clicking.

How about just another button, perhaps "upload another picture to the same gallery" on the same page it displays after uploading the first picture.

In addition, the maximum size of 2,000 KB is ridiculously large. I'd never upload or download something that big. Doesn't that translate to 2 MB. Was it perhaps supposed to be 200 KB? I'd think 40 to 70 KB file size should be plenty to get a good look at the image.

I like the fact that I can CHOOSE how many images to display on each page.

Perhaps a file size under the thumbnail, so I can determine if my download time is worth a better look at the picture. Come to think of it, I'd like to see that on the message board to.

I'm not sure I would make it possible for anyone other than the author to make comments about them, and the author just on the original uplaod.. Soon you'll have people doing whole message threads over there. Instead, I'd make it easy for them to copy and paste the link into a message thread on the message board.

The e-Card feature is kinda neat. Don't know if I'll ever use it but neat anyway.

Don't understand the lightbox. Couldn't find an explanation of it.

I like the advanced search function. It'll be useful if people remember to complete the key words for their uploads.

Great going.

Thanks Chris.

Erby Crofutt
B4U Close Home Inspections
Georgetown, Kentucky


Originally Posted By: Chris Morrell
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Thanks for the feedback. I'll work on making it easier to upload files. That shouldn't be that hard.

The filesize is really large, but I resize everything to 445 pixels wide before making them visible. That way people who don't know how to resize their images can still upload images. 2,000 Kb is sort-of overkill, but it's not like anyone will hit that limit often.

I'll see what I can do about the filesize under thumbnails. Shouldn't be too hard.

I like the idea of open comment. That's what will make the gallery useful. As long as the comments stay on the topic of the picture... We'll see how it goes. Perhaps I'll make it so that you at least have to register to post a comment.

eCards of inspection related images are not likely to become very popular. The feature's there, though, if anyone wants to use it.

The lightbox is basically a "favorites" section. The term comes from photography, but can be confusing to those who haven't developed and printed their own film (I'm guessing that's a large percentage of our members ![icon_smile.gif](upload://b6iczyK1ETUUqRUc4PAkX83GF2O.gif) ). Anyway, you can add images to your lightbox and then download them all at once. I think I'll change the wording when I get a chance.

Glad you like it. Again, thanks for the feedback. Thanks also for the images you uploaded.

Chris Morrell
Director of Information Technology
