The writer started out with sort of a ignorant attitude towards Inspectors and seems to think the builder is not responsible.
Poor article.
This quote is interesting.
“In some areas the brick mason will drain the wall cavity to the foundation’s concrete blocks, which then drains to the foundation’s interior drainage system. The home inspector would not be able to visually inspect this type of veneer drain without removing the brick or veneer covering.”
Though Very few homes I’ve seen built in the last 20 years have a block foundation.
I had problems with that line as well, so I searched for some time to find something to substantiate it. I couldn’t find anything…
Is he saying you would want to purposefully introduce water into the voids in a CMU foundation? What then would be the point of dampproofing the exterior of the foundation?
Can any of you say you have done this or seen it done?
I have never heard of that nor seen it done and it don’t make sense.
Typically a block foundation at the least would have most all cores stuffed with paper or tar paper installed under the first course to fill that top course to anchor the sill plate for the floor system.
Some only filled the cores three courses down every 6’ where the anchor bolts were.
Wether there were weepholes or not, most likely a flashing was installed.
Some water will find its wy out even without weep holes.
Unless I see apparent leakage or some sign of moisture intrusion that may have been caused by the lack of weep holes, I probably would not make a big deal of it except note it and move on.
Which is never; seeing weep holes at any home I’ve ever inspected or seeing moisture concerns from lack thereof.
Exactly the way I feel too.
How long does it take rotting wall sheathing to reveal itself?
Not sure, but I have never seen weep holes on any home I’ve inspected and I’ve never seen any evidence of any moisture concerns whatsoever.
If someone could show me some pictures, infrared scan pics, or anything, I’d love to see 'em.
And the footers are solid concrete. How does the moisture drain from the block foundation wall into the sump system?
Photo from inside the crawl. Outside, there was a deck that caused splashing water to keep the brick saturated.
And that’s from lack of weep holes? or flashing?
A deck against a brick wall doesn’t require flashing. The splashing water kept the wall wet and there was no drainage plane (flashing and weep holes).
I see weep holes on commercial buildings frequently, but I think its a code violation to use them on residential homes cause in KC I’ve only seen 2 homes with them in 15 years or so (AND in both cases the mason was from Chicago or St Louis and did not know how we do things in Kansas City).
I saw some weep holes the other day, but I had to look them up to understand what I was seeing because I seldom see weep holes in my area. They are as rare in my area as big breasted Asian women.
General contractors around here call them a “recent innovation”… those contractors are typically on the agent’s speed dial list.
(yes I’m typing this in a sarcastic manner…)
They are far from a recent innovation. The inspection today was a home built in '84 without weep holes in the brick veneer. Efflorescence, mortar joint deterioration, cracked brick facing, and wet sill plates and rim joists were present throughout. Hopefully their agent doesn’t call the same contractor who called weep holes a “recent innovation”…
Before weep hole we had hemp rope to wick the water out .
I still found the odd one .
Hard to find as the end has usually decayed … Roy
Last year I did a bungalow with full brick veneer built in the 70’s and it had weep holes well placed and in decent quantity. Of course the owner had gone out and jambed mini corks in all of them.
Hemp rope? Can you smoke it?