Originally Posted By: ckratzer This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
It looks alot like fire damage . The wet trail areas possibly could be from water to put the fire out. The termite shield at the sill area has faint wet trail marks as well.And possibly some sub-floor has been replaced so you see no damage there.
Did you scrape any of the carbony substance off to try to determine its origin ?
Originally Posted By: Jay Moge This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
i’ve seen fire damage, and i’ve seen water damage, and after a 24unit caught fire in january 2002 i saw both. what you have here is both. from what i see anyway. ash and smoke actualy float on water and when the water finaly stops it leaves those trails. the smell would have lingered for years, so if you could not smell it, it was likely a long time ago. check with local fire houses and town hall. if they responded it’s on record somewhere.
Originally Posted By: rwand1 This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
How old is the house?
If it is an older house it could have had a coal fired furnace/boiler. It could be coal dust or it could have been from a fire/soot at or near the coal fired furnace/boiler
 Please, please, please, it is really really helpful to indicate the age of the structure when asking these sorts of questions.
-- Raymond Wand
Alton, ON
The value of experience is not in seeing much,
but in seeing wisely. - Sir William Osler 1905
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