and how old is this baby?
serial number - L021418568
model # - HAC048AKAY
Thanks !
and how old is this baby?
serial number - L021418568
model # - HAC048AKAY
Thanks !
L02= 2002
As in most cases (“most” cases) the year of manufacture is in the first or second set of digits in the Serial #. It really gets pretty easy after youve done it a couple thousand times.
048=4 ton (approx. size is usually found within the Model #)
HEIL-QUAKER manufactured for Dayton, Sears, Heil, Whirlpool and probably other “trade names”. That unit, for what it’s worth, is a 48K btu (4 ton) unit.
wow, thanks gents!!!
ICP brands Heil, Comfortmaker, Arcoaire & Tempstar