Why be just a Home Inspector when you can be a… Certified Master Inspector
Certified Master Inspectors (CMIs)® are the best inspectors in the world. CMI is a professional designation available to all qualifying inspectors who wish to become Board-Certified by the Master Inspector Certification Board.
All CMIs are experienced, dedicated to education, and have a proven record in the inspection industry.
1st Pro Inspection are Certified Master Inspectors.
In 26 years, I came up with all kinds of programs to try to get inspectors two things: More inspections and more money for those inspections. Most of the stuff we came up with didn’t work. So mostly, I failed. You won’t know about them because I killed them as soon as we realized they wouldn’t help inspectors make money. There are a few exceptions and one in particular that generates inspectors more inspections and also allows them to command higher fees. That is “Certified Master Inspector®” . Those three little words work.
To revive an old thread, I see many have now become CMI’s and congratulations to all of you! On a similar note, what makes the CMI designation worth it to you?