The House committee passed a bill that kills the law regulating inspectors for at least a year. They have called for a Sunrise Review which may kill the law for good. The last time there was a Sunrise Review no one was willing to step up to the plate and conduct it. The time before it was determined that regulating home inspectors wasn’t needed. Here is a link to the committee hearing,]( . If you want to listen to it the discussion starts at just past the 15 minute mark. ELGE 061 which is what they passed is attached. I doubt if there is time to get any law passed this session because of the House rejecting Senator Spanel’s legislation.
Sorry I can’t type very well. The thread is supposed to be titled Washington State Sunrise Review.
Thanks for the update Gerry. Based on how the legislation was written with a year and a half time frame, now that the sunrise review committee report isnt due until December 2008, if they did find a reason for legislation, the effective date may not be until 2010.
How about a poll? Will Senators Spanel and Kohl-Welles try and bypass the system yet again and offer a new bill at the next session?
So no Home Inspector licensing coming to Washington for quite a while. I wonder how long it will take the WSDA to close the loopholes in the current SPI / Home Inspector language and if that takes new legislation or just some notice put out by the Ag department regarding reports and who can and cannot write these reports. There have been so many recent communications to the AG department I am sure they are going to “clarify” their rules some way. And moving on…:roll:
I think the WSDA “Pot Has Been Stirred”, I plan on keeping pressure on them to get their act together and clarify their asinine rules. Seeing the different proposals about SPI in this years legislation it looks like there may be some willingness among the legislators, not to do away with the requirement regretably, but to modify if. It may be worth while to spend sometime with various legislators trying to get them to at least modify the SPI Laws to what was proposed toward the end of 5788, require Home Inspectors to take the test and to report and refer WDO Conducive Conditions to PCO’s. I don’t think we could get them to do away with it completely, but maybe with enough pressure we could get it changed.