serial number eafm008459
model p3urd14no9501a
I believe the year of make is indicated by the third letter in the serial number(skip letters I,O,Q,U and Z)…f = 1976 or 1997.
You are correct Larry, thats a 1997 model #
hi,bought my house in 1982, came with this york furnace. model: ug080d08n-1b sn:hm381937 can anyone tell me the age of this furnace or what site my tell me? thanks, doug
If there are two letters at the start of the serial #, the first or second letter could be the year.
So you’ve got a furnace that was manufactured in 1978 or **1982. **
My information for York says third letter of S/N(1984+) is the year code but if it’s “h” it would be 1982.
For after 1984 3 letters at the begining of the S/N for York.
How about this one? Seller says it is new
Model: TG9S080C16MP11A
Serial: W0M9361734
Looks like a 2009 according to this site.
Thanks Chad!
I got these somewhere can’t remember where,I think one came from York. I hate getting old!!
Good stuff Ron, thanks.