There will be a 1 day seminar put on by MAREI / KARCI on 9/8/07
**MAREI **stands for Missouri Association of Real Estate Inspectors. Was formed and incorporated in 2002.
**KARCI **stands for Kansas Association of Residential & Commercial Inspectors. Was formed and incorporated in 2005.
Joint seminar being held in Overland Park, Kansas on September 8th, 2007
8 CE’s and lunch for $105 at Courtyard by Marriott at 110th & Woodson by Overland Park Convention Center.
Call David Moriconi (816) 665-5346; Paul Sabados (913) 393-2776; or KARCI at (800) 686-1034
2 hours on Foundation Defects - Andrew Vlesides at Kansas City Waterproofing
2 hours on Manufactured Housing - Dan Bowers
2 hours on Moisture Intrusion - Stacey Van Houtan
2 hours on legislative issues, tactics, self-defense, etc. - Mark Adams, Michael Greenwalt, and others
We had a nice turn-out on short notice. Had inspectors from Kansas, Missouri, Iowa and Nebraska. The room was filled.
We had an equal mixture of NACHI, ASHI and NAHI inspectors and 3 new inspectors not affiliated with anything yet.
The licensing session was interesting. We had the President of MAREI (Missouri Association of Real Estate Inspectors) and the Pres-Elect of KARCI (Kansas Association of Residential & Commercial Inspectors) present.
Many interesting facts were brought out on the legislative front by various speakers. The main one being that the Realtors in both states seem to be dedicated to opposing any type of mandatory state wide code inspections or legislation of builders or contractors. It seems that anything that might raise housing costs could be harmful to the consumer.
**BUT **they also seem dedicated to wanting home inspectors licensed; required to carry E & O insurance (and maybe $15,000 non-revocable letter of credit from FDIC lender); and be prohibited from using any type of language in their contracts with a buyer that attempts to limit their liability. For the consumer.