A single service drop (two hot legs and a neutral) go into the meter housing. Two separate sets of service entrance conductors come out of the meter and both enter this service panel. One set powers the supply bus bar through a 200 amp disconnect, the other powers a 125 amp disconnect that controls a panel located somewhere else in the home. The 200amp disconnect does not shut off power to the 125amp disconnect and the panel it controls. That’s OK?
The 125amp disconnect is not electrically connected to anything in this panel. Basically the two panels are configured the same, except that the 125amp disconnect has been moved to this panel, the smaller amperage panel has a floating neutral, and no grounding electrode.
I imagine there are minimum gauge requirements on the conductors connecting the neutral and grounding bus bars in the sub-panel to the neutral and grounding bus bars in the service panel? 6AWG?
A single service can have up to 6 sets of service disconnects. What you described is just that, a single service with two service disconnects.
Although it might be somewhat uncommon for a residential installation these are very common in commercial buildings where the services are larger and the designer would like to avoid the expense of a large single service disconnect so they use up to six smaller ones without a single main disconnecting means.
I am still trying to get a better answer for the Service Capacity on these types of panels. Would it be determined by the SEC size, which you can’t observe, or the max rating of the panel? I think I saw another panel like this posted, with a panel rating of 400A total (200A for each service disconnect). Any insight would be helpful since I have to list the total service capacity on all of my insurance inspections.
Here’s an indication that you’re right, Brad. At least 400 amps is the rating of the panel and the equipment it contains.
And the cut-sheet, both courtesy of Jeremy Hutchings.
Since I don’t know for sure, I think this is the best narrative:
The woven valleys were not symmetrical and may be improperly installed. The Inspector recommends certification against moisture intrusion by the installer, or a qualified roofing contractor.