10 Commandments

I’m not religious, I try to treat people like I wish they would treat me. I say try because as a human I sometimes fail to accomplish my goals. It hasn’t really helped but I’m not changing.

As a new inspector, I am thankful for the William Deckers out there, willing to help us newbies without feeling threatened. As a human being I am thankful for people like Wiliiam who have compassion and love for their neighbor, they make this world a better place for everyone.

I suppose, but just don’t go crying to him as he is sick of becoming peoples crying rag, that seems to piss him off. :p:D


Thanks Mary. I am just a poor shlub who has been beaten down for so long that I, ifnally, got the message.

When one blesses, one is blessed. Bread cast upon the water. But, remember. Don’t do it for the expectation of a reward, but for the reason that it is simply the right thing to do.

Oh, and John. I am perfectly happy to have pretty women cry on me, just not middle aged order guys.

But, that’s just me

Well I went to Mary’s website to see how happy you might be about her crying on your shoulder Will, come to find out it has quite a few navigation links that are broken. Not good when your “contact us” link does not work. Given that Mary is now aware and makes the fix, my work is done here, having provided testimony of the good that this simple thread has already done in the NACHI universe.

Carry on oh ye bread tossers. :smiley:

Every little bit helps, especially for new “guys” like Mary.

A rising tide floats all boats.

  • JFK

Well, I’ve been down so very damn long That it looks like up to me, Yeah. (advisory - adult content, I think they break a commandment or two)

Not of the last 5. THat was my point. I do not think that any person (religious of not) would disagree with the last 5, which only deal with man’s interaction with man.

I was, purposly trying to keep G-d out of the discussion, given some other people’s aversion to that part.

Hope this helps;

My faith is that God knows that I am a mental midget and he does not fault me for that! Hello Pearly gates! :smiley:

If, by that, you mean a mental and moral midgit, I am completely with you.

Welcome to the club :mrgreen:

So the way I read it, your accusing ALL Liberals/Progressives of breaking the following commandments.

8 “You shall not steal. (i.e., TAKE other people’s stuff)
10 “You shall not covet your neighbor’s house; you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor’s.”

If one is a liberal or, as is more politically correct, these days, “progressive”,** then one believes that they can determine, and have government enforce their determination, that some other guy has more stuff than (he needs, he deserves, he knows how to handle, he has “earned” or that he is “entitled**” to. Pick those that apply to you.) that is “fair”.”

"Progressives (who are, usually, very poor producers of value) don’t think this is “fair”** and want to confiscate the stuff of others.** That is why the U.S. has a “progressive” income tax system."

What a bunch of BS. What do you call Medicare Part D? Or are Republicans Immune?

I see no mention of preemptively attacking sovereign nations.

Do wars not count in your eyes? Or the eyes of God?
Thou shalt not Kill, unless your a Republican?

I see no mention of Republicans getting caught in airport bathrooms trying to get a blow job from another man, I see no mention of the allegheny trail, etc.

I see no mention of when the last Liberal left office their was a budget surplus of 236B, yet when the the last Compassionate Conservative left office their was a budget deficit of 455B.

The total debt has increased over $500 billion each year since FY 2003, considering both budgeted and non-budgeted spending.

[size=2]Does this not count either? [/size]

Now in pointing these very few issues out I am not implying that Liberals have all the all answers or are “fair and honest” either. But you are wrong and have insulted many by the sharing of, & the mixing of, your religious beliefs with your political views.

But this is America and you have that right.

Thank God we have Separation of church and state.

Have a nice day. :smiley:

Wasn’t he a Liberal? :smiley:

Not by todays standards.

He thought tax cuts were a good thing.

yeppers. :smiley:

No way buddy.

Both he and Hubert Humphrey sound like right wingers by the standards of today’s lefties.

Actually, the so-called "wall of separation between Church and state was never put into law, but was a phrase that that Jefferson used in a letter to the Danberry Baptist. He was referring to the constitutional ban on the federal (not the states) to establish an official religion, like the Church of England. Jefferson was not referring to religion having no role in government, only that the feds could not establish an official state religion. You also have to remember that this was an arguement not between different religions (all of them were Christian) but between different denominations of Christainity. This phrase was co-oped by the Supreme Court, in 1878 and a series of cases in 1947.

Also, you wil find that the first religion to institute such a separation was the Jews. Priests came from the Levits, while the kings came from the tribe of Judah. “your priests shall not be kings and your kings shall not be priests”. This differed from the rest of the world at that time, were there was always an official state religion and “church” and state were intertwined. Also, the Jews were the first to refer to G-d as “one” (Echad, in the Hebrew) where as all other religions were either poly-theistic (many gods) or pantheistic (no personal god, the whole universe was god).

In many ways, the U.S. was unique and the first country to institute government as an entity below and under the control of the people. Government (at least the federal government) was to be limited and only have the powers that were specifically deliniated in the Constitution. Read the 10th Amendment.

But, over the years, and especially after the civil war, this changed (mainly by government fiat, supported by some very bad Supreme Court rulings. The two biggest Presidents to move this big government agenda were FDR (the New Deal) and LBJ (the Great Society).

JFK, if he were alive today, would be, at least, center-right, as is the majority of people in this country. He was very anti-communist, a lowerer of taxes (lowered the top income tax rate from 90% to 70%).

For more on JFK’s thoughts on taxes, see these quotes:


One also has to remember, even though many historians have tried to change this story under LBJ, JFK was killed by a communist and RFK was killed by a Palistinian who killed him because of his stand on Israel.

As to your last point, about being “insulted”. Ghandi said “the most violent thing one can do is to change another person’s mind.” Sorry for being so violent, but facts are facts (unless you are a post-modernist, in which case there is no real reason to even discuss things.

Hope this helps;

Yes, he was.

Read the handbill that the RWNJs were passing around Dallas on 11/20/33, two days before his scheduled arrival:

The handbills shrieked:
“This man is wanted for treasonous activities against the United States:
1. Betraying the Constitution (which he is sworn to uphold):
He is turning the sovereignty of the U.S. over to the communist controlled United Nations.
He is betraying our friends (Cuba, Katanga, Portugal) and befriending our enemies (Russia, Yugoslavia, Poland).
2. He has been WRONG on innumerable issues affecting the security of the U.S. (United Nations-Berlin wall-Missile removal-Cuba-Wheat deals-Test Ban Treaty, etc.).
3. He has been lax in enforcing Communist Registration laws.
4. He has given support and encouragement to the Communist inspired racial riots.
5. He has illegally invaded a sovereign State with federal troops.
6. He has consistently appointed Anti-Christians to Federal office:
Upholds the Supreme Court in its Anti-Christian rulings.
Aliens and known Communists abound in Federal offices.
7. He has been caught in fantastic LIES to the American people (including personal ones like his previous marriage and divorce).”

On the very day JFK visited Dallas and died, the local newspaper, The Dallas Morning News, featured a full page, black-bordered anti-Kennedy advertisement prepared and paid for by persons affiliated with the John Birch Society, one of the most infamous right-wing extremist organizations of the 1960’s. The ad claimed to be the work of “The American Fact-Finding Committee,” in reality a nonexistent organization. Bernard Weissman, listed on the ad as the chairman of the Committee, however, did exist; he was the person who actually placed the ad. Weissman later testified before the Warren Commission. He was one of the few witnesses before that body who deemed it prudent to appear accompanied by an attorney.

The ad began with a sarcastic “Welcome Mr. Kennedy to Dallas,” a city which had been the victim of “a recent Liberal smear attempt” and which had prospered “despite efforts by you and your administration to penalize it for non-conformity to ‘New Frontierism’.” The ad then posed a series of belligerent, insulting loaded questions, including:
“Why has Gus Hall, head of the U.S. Communist Party, praised almost every one of your policies and announced that his party will endorse and support your re-election bid?”
“Why have you ordered or permitted your brother Bobby, the Attorney General, to go soft on Communists, fellow-travelers, and ultra-leftists in America, while permitting him to persecute loyal Americans who criticize you, your administration, and your leadership?”
“Why have you scrapped the Monroe Doctrine in favor of the ‘Spirit of Moscow’?”

Does any of this sound familiar, today?

Will, Your the one who started pointing fingers at the “Liberals”. I just posed a counter point to your claims.

You might find this interesting.

Religious beliefs of the Founding Fathers

Among some 227,000 others

I rest my case.

Guess who?

“And so, my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.”

*“In the long history of the world, only a few generations have been granted the role of defending freedom in its hour of maximum danger. I do not shrink from this responsibility - I welcome it.”

*“I’m an idealist with no illusions.”

Doesn’t sound liberal by today’s standards.