Originally Posted By: bmerrell
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Originally Posted By: jfarsetta
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You amaze me. Please speak with Dan Osborne in Albany NY. Most NACHI members in NY are aware of the 100 hours of mandatory training for newbies, with an additional 40 hours of real inspectins provided by the school as part of the training.
We cannot and will not endorse a 30 hour introductory course which will not fulfil the requirements of licensure.
The best advice for anyone seeking to enter this profession in NY state is to wait the outcome of the efforts of the NY State Dept of State regarding home inspection training. At the present time, 4 course modules of 25-hours each are planned, Each module will be broken down into mini-modules, or varying length.
This is all fact. Although the DOS has nothing ready for distribution, those who have followed ot have been involved in this process from the get-go, know where things really are. For anyone to believe that the DOS isnt pretty far along with less than 3-minths for a go-live date, is kidding himself.
Joe Farsetta
Illigitimi Non Carborundum
"Dont let the bastards grind you down..."
Originally Posted By: gbeaumont
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Hi to all,
I have to agree with Joe F, the licensing bill is very clear about the 140 hours of education including 40 hours of on-site inspections. Any organization proposing less than that 140 hours at this time is doing their students a huge diservice.
Gerry Beaumont
NACHI Education Committee
e-mail : education@nachi.org
NACHI phone 484-429-5466
Inspection Depot Education
"Education is a journey, not a destination"
Originally Posted By: bmerrell
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As a school, we will not offer courses NOT approved by NY State. Our students know that NO course is approved for Home Inspection Licensing. They know the course they are attending is approved for Real Estate Continuing Education Credit.
Many are there to learn about the field so they can work in their present positions, such as sales, brokerage and property management more professionally.
We also offer several courses on-line for Real Estate Continuing Ed as well- Also approved by NY State. These include:
Agency and Contract Law Basics
Selling New Construction
Home Inspection
Property Management
Investment Properties
Residential Construction
Reading Blue Prints
No one is suggesting that attending one of these on-line courses will make them an expert. As you say "Education is a journey, not a destination". I agree with this. There is a place for many people, of many different backgrounds, who may wish to expand their education by attending several programs.
We can't guarantee anything to anyone, other than if they take course in any topic they will learn more about that field. I truly believe this will and should end this thread.
No one is disagreeing with anyone. The information, is however being portrayed as a course that was written for Home Inspection Licensing. Not true! It has been approved in NY State for Real Estate continuing education for over a decade to date. Years before Home Inspection Licensing was ever considered in NY State.
I can promise when licensing is finalized in New York State, our school, like many others will submit an application to offer a compliant course as per New York Department of State guidelines. We will still be offering this course as an Introduction to the Real Estate Community so they understand the role of the Home Inspector.
I wish everyone well on this web and hope everyone is successful in this field and achieves their personal and professional goals.
Originally Posted By: bmerrell
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I just finished the Sept. 1st meeting only to find out that most NACHI members are not aware of the actual law. I am very glad I had the meeting. 60 plus attendees. Everyone seemed to be excited about the meeting. (55 for dinner plus those just for the meeting)
Offering any 100 hour program before it is approved by the state of NY is a mistake and should not occur. That was what I was told by the State of New York. I believe them.
My new program will utilize the Carson Dunlop program, since I now have permission to use it at my school with Dearborn Publishing, including their 12 videos, their dozen books and the mastering the profession book. It will also use The Tompsons Learning Book, written by Marsha Spada, and she has agreed to have the book recreated to meet licensing outlines issued by the state, to benefit NACHI members. She also agreed to refer to NACHI in her book, wheras up to this point we were not mentioned.
But as I have said before, we will only offer courses once they are approved by New York State. I think it would be a disservice the a member if I offered a 100+ hour program and it was found out NOT to be approved!
Good luck, much luck and success in all your endeavors.
Bill Merrell- NY Metro Education Chapter Chair
Yes there is such a thing as an education chapter- ask NACHI, mine is the first!
Originally Posted By: bmerrell
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and exclusively listed NACHI in an article about Home Inspectors. The newspaper was pleased with the article and all members should as well. It gave NACHI the respect it deserves.
No good deed goes unpunished. I hope that this statement doesn't prove true again.
Originally Posted By: bmerrell
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Until advised by Nick not to use the web sites I own, I am within my rights to use them. NACHI even has one of them posted as my official web site for my Education meetings. Yes…for my Education Chapter. Yes I am optimistic. The attendees enjoyed the meeting. Ask them.
If NACHI does not desire to endorse my new program, it will have no bearing on my school, my operations or my desire to benefit the hard working men and women who want to live on Long Island and don't like minimum wage. It will just end our conversations. I don't desire to split with NACHI since I believe we can all work together. Even though you are making this difficult.
Let's make this easy and simple. Speak with Nick or Len in the future, and I will do the same. I was only responding to your postings. I have never questioned your motives, your abilities or your qualifications as an Inspector. I must now ask, are you an approved instructor in New York State. Are you approved by any state or federal agency to teach anything. Have you developed any approved courses in the State of New York in any vocation. What are the requirements to be part of the education committee.
Why are you attempting again, to paint a less than perfect picture of me, when I simply want to help the membership. Are you demanding I stop helping. Are you telling me, as you have in writing in the past to stop using NACHI logos, and to give up my web sites under your own authority, when I was told by NACHI (National) I can use them.
Why are you unhappy about the success of the education chapter meeting? 60 people is not bad..actually less than 60 actually ate dinner...for the record- it approached standing room only!
I have no desire to deal with you in any negative capacity, and it would be a mistake on my part to provide you with materials I may use in NY State. All I expect is that my school will offer a comprehensive program next year, and it should have no effect on you.
Don't worry about my legal activities within or outside of NACHI. If you have authority to dictate the donation regarding me giving up web site property I own, which is posted as the Education's Chapter Web site, let me know. I will respond based upon the request and the supporting documentation I receive. I offered a link to Len's site. I assume that is not in your plans either. Since you do not recognize the existence of my chapter, then why communicate with me as all?
Anything you wish to say, let Len know at allaround@optonline.net If he feels it is of importance he will send it to me.
Originally Posted By: bmerrell
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I replied to your file, which is now missing.
I will determine that this conversation has now ended.
Originally Posted By: jfarsetta
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I removed my post in an effort to end this. I have asked Nick to intervene. So has the MAB. So has the NACHI President. So has its Executive Director.
You are correct in that I do not recognize youe chapter an an educational chapter, because no such entity exists in NACHI. Call yourself a NACHI Chapter if you wish. Just not an educational chapter. You do not represent anything having to do with NACHI education.
As to my qualifications as an instructor, I will meet the standards for instructing HI related courses, either on my own or via application as an educational institution apprived by NY State The requirements for an instructor shall be 250 fee-paid home inspections having been performed, and as an active home inspector for the past 3 years, and the inspections having been completed within that time period. ![icon_cool.gif](upload://oPnLkqdJc33Dyf2uA3TQwRkfhwd.gif)
As to other courses I may have developed, taught, or be qualified to teach, it is a moot point. The subject of this thread pertain to Home Inspection licensing and educational requirements in NY State. ![icon_cool.gif](upload://oPnLkqdJc33Dyf2uA3TQwRkfhwd.gif)
There has been no animous toward you Bill. Its a damned shame that you feel that way. For you see, I was involved in championing the rights of inspectors in NY for the past 3 years, following legislation like a hawk. Meeting politicians. Keeping my finger on the pulse of the issue. Where were you in all this?
I have been a more than loyal NACHI volunteer for more than 3-years. I have faced many issues here, and am known as a person with integrety. This even from the most staunch anti-NACHI ranks. ![icon_cool.gif](upload://oPnLkqdJc33Dyf2uA3TQwRkfhwd.gif)
I speak plainly. I speak the truth. While is may be true that you are within your right to own or publish a domain with the word NACHI in it, the impression one gets when typing www.nachiecucation.com, is that it is taking them to NACHI education, not the Merrell Institute. As to use of the NACHI seal, I still do not believe that it should have been given to you, or to anyone, absent of an opportunity to review your school, experience, and course outline. All reasonable.
As to my comment regarding the use of a logo including NY NACHI member chapters, one does not exst, and you did not have the right to produce such a logo with out conferring with other NY NACHI chapter presidents.
Again, my post was deleted by me, in an effort to bring this chapter to a rapid end. It was you who prompted this latest response. At this juncture, all I can say is good luck. We will see what develops over the next few days. And for the record, I love how you take credit for offering to proctor our exam. Wasnt it after I questioned why you were developing your own exam, and asked you why not simply proctor NACHIs on-line exam, did this revelation come to you?
As I recall, Len Ungar relayed that suggestion to you , while speaking with me on the telephone, while in your office. Nice how you thought of this on your own. Did you suggest this to Nick all by yourself?
This further exemplifies my concern. And, you advertise that your course is beneficial to HUD 203K inspector/appraisers. Are you authorized by HUD to teach a HUD 203K course. I am a licensed HUD 203K Consultant. I took the requesit training. I passed the exam. I met HUDs experience and education criteria. So, I am just curious...
If you choose to respond, or not, is not important. Carson Dunlop is good training. I find it interesting that you went against your own words. It seems that you have decided to utilize a couple of training packages, when, as you have repeatedly said, there is no criteria which is available at the current time.
In summary, I wish you well. I trust that your meeting was very informal, and hope it concentrated more on the law, than future offerings.
Be Well
Joe Farsetta
Illigitimi Non Carborundum
"Dont let the bastards grind you down..."
Originally Posted By: bmerrell
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I only discussed the ability of NACHI members to become grandfathered, as well as the 2 year rule you explained, and the fact that 100 inspections was the magic #. That was the major focus of this meeting!
If NACHI believes I am doing anything improper, I will withdraw and wish everyone well. I simply was responding to your posting, and with your posting removed, I thought that was an end to it as ell.
Regarding Carson Dunlop-Looks like a great program, but until the state approves any program I will not offer any 100 hour course without state approval. Regarding me teaching or not. You don't have to concern yourself with this one. GORR deals with ADA regulations and they are working with me to this end. If needed, I will hire an instructor to teach. I already have 7 instructors in other key areas, so one more will not effect the outcome, and my school would still would benefit NACHI members.
I simply will not stand by an wait for another posting about myself or my school without responding. You may find the ability to teach a moot point, but it is very important. Rob and Len would even agree.
Let's agree to disagree, which is what I have said from day one with you. When I spoke at the June LI Chapter meeting about a proctored exam ( days before I ever spoke to you) I told the entire audience about my desire to offer a proctored exam for them. You told me to charge for it. You then told me it was already in place and it was not needed. I wish to offering it free to NACHI members if the state approves it. Len had a conversation with you about it at my office 1 month after the meeting in which I explained the concept of proctored exams versus on-line exams and what the state may mandate. Again a wait and see situation.
First you are unhappy about my teaching an approved continuing education course, which has been approved in NY State for a decade +. next, when I announced I would attempt to use Carson Dunlop as my materials due to my 20 year relationship with Dearborne, who has rights over these education books for school, you again question my motives.
I have not changed lanes. I have not exceeded the speed limit. I am simply attempting to work within the NACHI guidelines to effect positive change. If that is not what NACHI wants, and I am told this I will close the chapter, which was quite a successful gathering. I will continue to offer courses at the school, and if you believe that I shouldn't use NACHI approvals, let me know and if that is the facts as it relates to NACHI, I will comply.
I replied and said that I believed the situation had been resolved when you removed your posting. I was simply responding to your message board posting.
I don't know the people within NACHI like you do. I am sure you are not pleased with my activities, you have that very clear. Why, I do not know.
If anyone whom you suggest has filed a complaint against me, as you told me would occur several weeks ago, have those individuals take 5 minutes to speak with me. If they believe I am not working towards the benefit of NACHI in new York, then that would be important for me to know. I await speaking with these individuals you indicate, and hope that you and I do not have to communicate in the future.
Originally Posted By: bmerrell
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I own the course titled HUD Certificate Workshop Seminar, approved by HUD-NY office in 1994 and still NY State approved for Continuing Education for Appraisers.
Our Second HUD topic is the HUD 203K Rehabilitation Workshop Seminar, also approved for Appraiser Continuing education in New York State. 1995 on.
Any further questions about my ability to offer approved courses? I don't think I need to answer to you regarding my State approvals in education. Again, you stated that was and is not on topic. Isn't that what you said earlier?
Originally Posted By: jbushart
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Read this thread.
Home Inspection Services of Missouri
"We're NACHI. Get over it."