Home inspection training in NY.

Originally Posted By: gromicko
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Nick Gromicko



I much prefer email to private messages.

Originally Posted By: bmerrell
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In addition to the 1 course we offer as an Introduction to the Field of Home Inspecting, we would like to make NACHI members aware of free courses on-line. Credit must be given to Paul Hinsperger of Hinsperger Inspection Services since he listed it on a prior message board.


In new York, we will not offer advanced courses until the State of new York finalizes the regulations for education and the outline each school must follow. It would be counter productive to jump the gun and hope the advanced courses may be accepted.

Bill C. Merrell, Ph.D- Fellow NACHI Member

Originally Posted By: jfarsetta
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There are no "introductory courses", or "advanced courses"

There will be continuing education courses, and HI Training courses.

The latter will include a mandatory 100 hours of classroom training, and an additional 40 hours of actual field inspections. Anyone planning to offer educational packages in NY is aware of this. An introductory course will not help an inspector get licensed in NY

The 100 hour classroom training will be broken into 4 - 25 hour modules. Each core module will contain sub-modules of approximately 4 subjects. Each subject will have a requesite number of hours associated with it.

Its time to properly advise would-be inspectors as to the upcoming instructional regulations which are already pretty far along.

Joe Farsetta

Illigitimi Non Carborundum
"Dont let the bastards grind you down..."

Originally Posted By: psabados
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Mr. Merrill

Are you an active home inspector? Have you ever performed an actual fee paid home inspection? I am asking these questions because if you are an actual inspector, then you should know the need and value of quality education. In my opinion, I feel that your claim to 30 hrs. of education, including three or four supervised inspections during this process will leave more than one item not covered. As an educator I am sure that you wouldn't want any of your students to leave your halls of knowledge not prepared to perform adequately to the sop's?

For instance based on the number of different styles of roofs, framing systems and covering materials, how many of the 30 hrs will you devote to roofing? Lets move on to heating and cooling. How much time can you squeeze down to cover gas furnaces & boilers, oil units steam and water? Electric heating, heat pumps systems and other alternative methods?

The way I see it, using your own outline, that after lets say about 12 hours of field work, you will have about 18 to maybe 20 hrs at the most of class time. I sincerely hope that you are not planning on padding your course with having your students sign for on-line continuing education classes to supplement want you can't provide in your 4 day course.

So, back to the first questions. Have you ever performed a fee paid inspection and are you an active home inspector currently?


NACHI Vice President

NACHI Foundation, President

Convention Coordinator

Originally Posted By: bsmith
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Are you an active home inspector? Have you ever performed an actual fee paid home inspection?

Paul - a very valid and important point.

Bill Smith
"The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits." A. Einstien

Originally Posted By: jhagarty
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psabados wrote:

Are you an active home inspector? .....

......So, back to the first questions. Have you ever performed a fee paid inspection and are you an active home inspector currently?



What do you consider to be an Active Full-Time Home Inspector?

Joseph Hagarty

HouseMaster / Main Line, PA

Phone: 610-399-9864
Fax : 610-399-9865

HouseMaster. Home inspections. Done right.

Originally Posted By: psabados
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What do you consider to be an Active Full-Time Home Inspector?


NACHI Vice President

NACHI Foundation, President

Convention Coordinator

Originally Posted By: bmerrell
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Originally Posted By: jhagarty
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psabados wrote:

Joe, do you personally feel that a non inspector should be starting a Nachi Chapter and running it?

No. But NACHI has encouraged others to do so in the past.

psabados wrote:

Let alone carrying the Nachi Approved label for a 30 hr training school for new inspectors?

If Nick approved his use of the NACHI Approved Label, no problem at all.

psabados wrote:

Joe, back at you with the same question
What do you consider to be an Active Full-Time Home Inspector?



You asked the question of Mr. Merrell. For his answer to be Acceptable to You, one would have to know what definition you hold to qualify as an Active Full-Time Home Inspector.

Care to clarify?

Joseph Hagarty

HouseMaster / Main Line, PA

Phone: 610-399-9864
Fax : 610-399-9865

HouseMaster. Home inspections. Done right.

Originally Posted By: jbushart
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Wouldn’t it be an interesting item to add to legislation that mandated formal education to require those venues authorized to provide it to publish, annually:

1. Number of students enrolled and number graduated, and
2. Number of graduates who took the state test and number who passed, and
3. Number of graduates known to still be in the home inspection business?

Potential students would have some good info to use in selecting which way to go and the state could evaluate its requirement in real numbers.

Most private technical schools are already required to track similar data by their accreditting associations, anyway.

Home Inspection Services of Missouri

"We're NACHI. Get over it."


Originally Posted By: psabados
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Care to clarify?

Sure, just for you Joe. I performed my first FEE paid inspection back in Dec. 1987. That's back in the day when the IBM 286 processor was state of the art and if you owned an IBM AT-PC you were fortunate.

I have since that day through Saturday, August 27,2005 (that would be yesterday) performed FEE paid inspections on a regular basis, depending upon market performance and my availability. During that time span I have performed no less than 200 inspections per year, except for 87. I maintain an office dedicated to the business, an office phone, an inspection vehicle and own all of the tools of the trade that I deem necessary to perform a quality inspection. Furthermore, I am a member of the KCRAR Task Force, on the inspector side of representation, which is the local board of Realtors here in the KC Metro Area. I currently perform an average of 6-10 FULL SOP inspections per week along with other non SOP inspections.

Do you need more?

Now back at you, the question was asked

What do you consider to be an Active Full-Time Home Inspector?


NACHI Vice President

NACHI Foundation, President

Convention Coordinator

Originally Posted By: jhagarty
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psabados wrote:

Do you need more?

Your original question was for Mr. Merrell. It may be enough information to him.

psabados wrote:

Now back at you, the question was asked

What do you consider to be an Active Full-Time Home Inspector?


I see you have a nice Part-Time Business.

Joseph Hagarty

HouseMaster / Main Line, PA

Phone: 610-399-9864
Fax : 610-399-9865

HouseMaster. Home inspections. Done right.

Originally Posted By: gbell
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I think there are others here in positions of authority that are not home inspectors and have never performed an inspection.

Why are you not concerned about them?

Greg Bell
Bell Inspection Service

Originally Posted By: psabados
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I see you have a nice Part-Time Business.
I am glad that you think that I have a nice part time business. But, since I am also classified as a full time care giver to my wife, who unlike others, can not take care of herself because of a past brain aneurysm and subsequent problems, I feel blessed that I can provide a ways and means of support to her and to be able to work with my clients and give them what they call on me to provide for them and to feel comfortable about it. But, of course you knew that didn't you?

Now you challenged my qualifications, I answered your challenge, now the questioned asked to you hasn't been answered. Care to clarify?

What do you consider to be an Active Full-Time Home Inspector?


NACHI Vice President

NACHI Foundation, President

Convention Coordinator

Originally Posted By: psabados
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Why are you not concerned about them?

Greg, is that question directed to me or someone else?


NACHI Vice President

NACHI Foundation, President

Convention Coordinator

Originally Posted By: jbushart
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psabados wrote:
Greg, is that question directed to me or someone else?

Just another typical feeding frenzy, Paul. They will be finished, shortly. ![icon_wink.gif](upload://ssT9V5t45yjlgXqiFRXL04eXtqw.gif)

Home Inspection Services of Missouri

"We're NACHI. Get over it."


Originally Posted By: gbell
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My question is directed at anyone that is questioning if this person is a home inspector or not.

Why would anyone here persecutee someone just for that fact. If it is a new rule that you have to be a home inspector then you had better start cleaning house from the top down.

Greg Bell
Bell Inspection Service

Originally Posted By: jbushart
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gbell wrote:
I think there are others here in positions of authority that are not home inspectors and have never performed an inspection.

Why are you not concerned about them?

How many of them charge money to train other people to perform home inspections?

Home Inspection Services of Missouri

"We're NACHI. Get over it."


Originally Posted By: gbell
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Jim B is there anything that you do not have an expert opinion of?

Before you answer I already know that you are not an expert when it comes to anything technical concerning a home inspection. ![icon_wink.gif](upload://ssT9V5t45yjlgXqiFRXL04eXtqw.gif)

Greg Bell
Bell Inspection Service

Originally Posted By: jbushart
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gbell wrote:
Jim B is there anything that you do not have an expert opinion of?

Before you answer I already know that you are not an expert when it comes to anything technical concerning a home inspection. ![icon_wink.gif](upload://ssT9V5t45yjlgXqiFRXL04eXtqw.gif)

Just asked the question, Greg. How many of these non-inspectors you referred to charge money to train other people on how to inspect homes? Do you know?

Home Inspection Services of Missouri

"We're NACHI. Get over it."
