Just had a great time helping a Master Certified Inspector (Steve Wessler) out regarding report layout, web tips/tricks, and software comparisons. As of tonight I am now offering 1 and 1 “live hands on training via audio/webinar (See my desktop type training)” for just $45 an hour. This type of training is beneficial for both new and seasoned inspectors alike. You now have the ability to learn areas you’re most weak in from an actual inspector just like you. For areas I teach please view my complete syllabus at http://www.homeinspectorbusiness.com or email me to see if I have the knowledge to help you out in relation to the question you have. No where else will you find this level of support. Sure the message board will give you an idea, a phone call will help to watching a video even better but nothing compares to having someone walk you through step by step live while you watch exactly what you should be doing by viewing the teachers desktop monitor. To book call or email today. Thank you!
Billy was a great source of information. He gives a differant perspective on many classes. One on one gives the time and personal attention you need to work out your problems and ask questions. If you don’t understand, then you can’t fix what has been alluding you and a fresh perspective is maybe all you need.
Ask one question or many, Billy can help even some of the veterans with fresh ideas.
Thank You for my Freedom and God Bless all our Active Service Men and Woman and our Nations Veterans.
Thanks again Billy, I thought it was $49 dollars per hour so I guess I got an even better deal!! I would pay $145 for what you did with my website and SEO! I’m reaping the benefits from our session already!