Obviously, I am new to this forum and would appreciate some advice from the longtime home inspectors out there. I would like to get into the business and searched numerous sites for online education. I came across ahit.com which cost $999 but they will throw in the Inspectit software for free upon completeion of the certification (For this week only). I guess my question is, “Is that a good deal?”
Sean, Where are you located? Some states do no allow online education for initial training. If you let us know where you live, you might get some different answers.
That is correct. Many licensed states will require you to take an actual classroom setting type course. After you obtain your License then as Nick mentioned there is no other place that even comes close to the education you get here at NACHI and from many of the seasoned Inspectors here.
Thank you guys for the quick response, I live in PA. From what I understand, PA does not require an actual classroom setting nor a final exam, is that true? However, the gentleman that I talked to at ahit suggested I join nachi after completing their course, too funny. I guess a newbie would think ahit has a good deal becuase of their $750 Inspectit software, that comes with the course. If nachi’s education is ok for me then what reporting software would you recommed? Never hurts to ask questions.
Thanks again
I live in PA and will contact lisa about the online courses and see if they are acceptable for PA. Thank you all for the help and thanks Nick for the link. I see they have all the tools you need on the nachi website, even reports.
Thanks again,
Online education has its place, but online training is worthless. Without classroom training and hands-on learning, you will not be qualified to perform inspections.
I have to agree with Jeff. Until you can physically touch, feel and poke around certain equipment, it is very difficult to understand a 2D picture without some form of reference.
A question(s) not yet asked, which is very relavent is, do you have any experience in the industry? If so, what? If not, what skills have you that may apply to the industry? What is your motivation to entering the profession, and why do you feel you will excel at it?
Your answers may prompt information you may need to be aware of. Most people have a very different opinion of this profession, which in many cases is not realistic.
Do not spend a single penny until you thoroughly investigate all aspects of the business.
I’m an AHIT Graduate, as are many people here, but I went into their training with 25 years of construction experience with the last 8 years running my own company. AHIT is good, but their material is out-dated. You can’t beat what’s offered here. I do own and use their Inspectit Reporting software, but it’s not perfect right out of the box. They allow you into their templates to make changes, which I highly recommend, and after you know what you’re doing you can build a great report generator that’s very good. If I had it to do all over again, I’d probably go a different route.
Please feel free to send me an e-mail if you have more questions.
I have been an electrician since 1992 and have passed the NEC code test. (That was some time ago). Mainly worked as an industrial and commercial electrician, anything residential, I did on the side. I also worked for 8 years as a maintenance mechanic at a local hospital where I received a better understanding of plumbing and hvac. I do have my cfc certification. I will say that my downfall is probably construction experience in homes and decks. (Only helped with small jobs) I guess the reason I want to get into the business is that I am costumer sevice oriented and looking for an opportunity to start my own business. It would be nice to attend a class but not really feasible for me as I have my son evey other weekend and ork full time.
Nonsense. If you’re serious about doing it, you can make it happen.
I had 20 years of commercial, residential and industrial construction coming into this profession. I took two weeks off work for the training that was offered. Even that two-week course barely scratched the surface of what I needed to learn.
If you doubt me, do it your way. You’ll be lucky to last a year.
Hummm, no offense but maybe Professional Home Inspections is not going to be for you? There are lots of people that think it’s gonna be easy money, and be your own business, but in reality that is garbage. Most of us that are succeeding live, eat and sleep the biz and have much broader backgrounds. Your clients are going to expect you to be an expert is EVERYTHING and are trusting you with what be their biggest investment of their lives. You will get blind sided by, clients, builders, re agents etc…with a zillion questions and will be expected to know all the answers. Anyway I could go on, but you really need to think what your long term plan is. If you think you have what it takes then you need to jump in and find the time to do what it takes, also remember to get in the biz will take some $$$ also. Proper Training, the best association affiliation and continuing training (NACHI) tools, Insurance, marketing material…really the list goes on.
Sean, I took a two week course, a one week ride along with a seasoned inspector and all of the one year courses before I ever did an inspection on my own. I walked into the home, spent 5 hours doing it and got paid $350.00 for it. It was the best feeling in the world. About a month later the client moved into the house and the basement flooded. I was off the hook because I disclosed that I could not see the foundation and that it was dry at time of inspection. Worst feeling of my life. Baseically what I am saying is, Get as much training as you can before you start, learn the proper way to write a report and never stop learning. I take a course of some sort (online or classroom) every month.
I really do appreciate everyones comments and I really don’t want to start inspecting homes tomorrow. What I don’t understand are the requirements per state as to what you need to inspect homes, to me it is totally absurd. Here is PA’s:ennsylvania
[size=2]Legislative Summary[/size]
The Residential Real Estate Transfers law, which went into effect in December 2001, was intended to ensure a certain level of professionalism in the work performed by home inspectors-providing guidelines and requirements to regulate the performance of home inspectors within Pennsylvania.
Highlights of the Residential Real Estate Transfers Law:
Home inspectors are required to be a full member in good standing of a national, not-for-profit home inspection association or must be supervised by someone who is.
Members must comply with a code of conduct and attend continuing professional education classes as an ongoing condition of membership.
Home inspectors are prohibited from performing repairs on the same house he/she inspected within the preceding 12 months.
Home inspectors must maintain insurance against errors and omissions and general liability coverage.
Violations of this law amounts to a violation of Pennsylvania’s Consumer Protection Law
Basically, now that I met the first 3 requirments for NACHI, all I have to do is fill out the application and do 4 inspections for review before performing one for a fee. Obviously, continuing with the rest of the requirments, 10 days after etc etc. I often wander how many inspectors have done it this way? I have witnessed an inspector who really wasn’t on his game. Trust me, there is no way I plan on following this route. I am looking to take every single course on NACHI and possibly others. Also, look for local inspectors who will allow me to shadow them, before even thinking of going out on my own.
Greg, what a great feeling at the same time your heart is in your stomach. We are only human, thank goodness you disclosed your findings.