Originally Posted By: Greg Fretwell This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
It all depends on the quality of the tester. A simple 3 light test is meaningless. If you use your suretest (Ecos or similar) it is probably good … at the time of the test.
I got into this at a renovation of some WWII era buildings here. Even after I gave the EMT a clean bill of heath the state still required a grounding conductor and cited safety as the reason. In "patient care areas" they did accept the EMT as the redundant ground but we ran wire in all of them.
Originally Posted By: wdecker This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I use a suretest as well.
Most of the munis around here (the suburbs) are making sure that older houses that used water supply ground have a ground rod installed at the meter. I can see the point.
Ground impedence is the only way to go. Must see .20 Ohms or aroun there for it to be OK.