250,000 copies of Welcome Home promoting NACHI members at the printer.

Welcome Home update:

As many of you know we’ve been working on the Welcome Home publication, a consumer paper full of homeowner articles and tips. It of course promotes the benefits of hiring a NACHI inspector for not only new home purchases but for annual checkups too.

Anyway, I talked with the publisher again yesterday. Some of you met him at the NACHI Convention where this project was orignially conceived. The total bill for NACHI to produce the first run of 250,000 has come to a grand total of zero $. That’s right, it is going to cost us nothing! I was able to sell enough ad space (coupons from home improvement stores, etc.) to cover all the expenses of not only printing Welcome Home, but shipping it too. This means we can afford to send one to every homeowner in N. America… forever, provided the response from the ads of our sponsors is sufficient.

I am not yet permitted to publish it online but soon as it is in layout but I meet with him again next week in person and I’ll give you an update. I am of course thrilled.


Win-win marketing at its best - thanks & congrats!
Naturally, there will be many of us who would like to have a few stacks drop-shipped for distribution, too!

Their are only 250,000 homes in N. America???

Is this the same project that was offered to local chapters to have published with local info in it? We just needed to provide the info for in the paper, sell ads, etc.

Oh put me on the list for about 25,000. Gonna hit my area like a cyclone. :smiley:

How about 5000 copies here in Fortson, Georgia…we be small…

Jason, no, that is a totall different project but yes I can make you a newspaper of your Chapter’s choice in about 8 hours (if you send me the info electronically).

Thanks for clearing that up for me Nick. I plan on putting something together after the chapter meeting.

Another amazing NACHI membership benefit. I would like 5000 papers dropped shipped to my office. One question, will the ads be for nationwide big box stores etc., which can be used in our areas?

Thanks Nick!