Ultimate marketing. FREE NACHI Buyer's Guides. Custom. As many as you want.

Would you like your local NACHI Chapter to dominate your area completely? I’ll publish your own NACHI Chapter newspaper for you at no charge, designed to be given to real estate agents to give to their buyers. Each can include your info within. Just let me know what you want in it. I already have pre-written articles that REALTORs and homebuyers love. We can add them. The paper can be full of useful information on getting a loan, decorating, finding an inspector, etc. Your local chapter might want to include local community information as well such as important local phone numbers, and the contact info of every local NACHI Chapter member. I’ll print as many as your chapter wants. You only have to reimburse NACHI for shipping them to you. If you want to drive a big truck to Colorado, I’ll load up your truck up for free. It only takes me about 20 hours to set, print, dry, coallate, fold and bind 50,000 copies.

Get them to every real estate agent in your town! They love to include them in their buyer packets.

Just another, almost freakin unbelievable NACHI member benefit!

That sounds great Nick.

We are ready.

If you want, you can even go to a big real estate office or even an agent, offer to include an ad about the agent or the agency within the paper at no charge. Then deliver the papers back to that agent with his/her ad inside.

You can also sell ads inside it. Lawn maintenance, local attractions, paint stores, insurance companies, remodeling contractors, whatever… the local NACHI Chapter can keep the ad money.

Alright Greg, your chapter is first up. Email whatever you want in it. Tonight I will draft up the front page and inside information that is applicable to all chapters. I will post it up on a pdf here and you can make any changes and additions you want to it. I can get this printed in a snap.

Selling ads is a great idea. I will get to work on it.


Greg, see if you can email me a newcomer’s important phone number list. I think your local chamber of commerce might have it online somewhere. We’ll put that in to *local *it up. I will also need a list of your members and their contact info to put in it. I can have it set within a day after you get it to me.

I’ll try to get a sample issue posted up here on this message board by tonight late.

Greg, I can’t wait. What city does your chapter mostly work around. And does your chapter have its own website?

Each member of your chapter can put in his own flyer or brochure as a stuffer for the papers he is distributing.

Greg is only first because I was sleeping. Nick. I think Hawaii NACHI could you a boost like this. Please include us if it’s open to all chapters.



The three major cities would be Vero Beach (Indian River County), Melbourne (Brevard County) and Daytona Beach (Volusia County). Roberta is working on the site. It is going to be spacecoastnachi.org. I hope that she will have it up and running soon.

OK. I’ll have something up for you here by late tonight for you to see. I contacted a Trademark attorney and we don’t have to wait for the REAL Property Times Trademark. We can use something general for a title page like “Welcome Home, a helpful resource for homebuyers” or something.

Hi Nick,

This is tremendous, just what the chapters need, a huge boost and the ability to compete with some established competition, this will be huge in FL.

Maybe FLNachi needs to rent a truck.



Gerry, can you put something together for the whole state of FL? This is a biggie in terms of marketing for our members.

Remember… the number of inspections out there is a constant. Marketing like this gets NACHI members more of the pie, but doesn’t increase the pie. Every inspection a NACHI member gets is one a non-member doesn’t. This project just doesn’t score touchdowns… it intercepts in the end zone and runs it back for touch downs.

Nick, I’ll talk with Harvey, Greg, Jay, Dennis, Zoe, Steve, Harold and the other chapter heads I bet we can do something huge down here.



LI and the NY Metro Chapter in NY would love to have one for our chapter members- we would only need a proof since we have publishing capabilities to print thousands of copies as needed.

Thanks Bill and Len

Bill, that would be great as we could have an East and West operation. I’ll have something posted up here tonight to give an example to all.

Nick this is awesome!

Put me in for Olympic Peninsula NACHI. I have to go back and reread the thread. My tail is wagging so fast the screen is bouncing up and down. :wink:

How much ad space is available?

I may be doing Puget Sound NACHI also. That one will go next and I’ll let you know when I get final word on it.

Thanks again Nick!