3rd Missouri Licensing Bill

This AM I got a call from a St Louis ASHI member telling me that yesterday a 3rd Home Inspection Bill was introduced in Missouri.

Really humerous because instead of ASHI control which is standard in many things EVERY other line in there was NAHI test, NAHI CE, NAHI Board, etc, etc. Come on Nick step up and get a NACHI Bill in there also.

That will really muddy the waters this year in Missouri

What I want to know is:

Where is the home builder licensing law?
Where is the requirement to build and maintain homes by way of the International Building Codes (IRC) with every county and city in Missouri?
Where is the licensing of all repair trades people and contractors that do home repairs on homes that are for sale?
Where are the laws that prohibit licensing of all real estate agents and mortgage lenders who commit fraud, and are arrested for any crime?
Where is the licensing of appraisers, engineers, insurance agents, all who inspect and report defects of homes to banks/buyers?

Where is the protection of home buyers from these people?

Lamakers are not understanding that home inspection laws, in any form, especially in Kansas, limit home inspections. They will not serve or protect any home buyer from any used home commissioned sales people, or home seller or bank, that sells a POS home to that unsuspecting home buyer.

Why have laws that you cannot enforce, monitor, or that protect home buyers of Missouri?

NACHI, NAHI, slappi, happi, who gives a butt. Our job as professional home inspectors is to properly inform the home buyer of any home defects. When these new laws take effect, as they have in Kansas, basic, say-nothing $199 or less home inspections will be the norm.

I challenge any lawmaker to buy a home, and I will do a home inspection under Kansas SOP’s in Missouri, and see if they will be happy with their home purchase after I check only one window, one outlet, one switch per room, no appliances, no storm windows, only one door, etc. These people trying to implement these laws have no idea how the home buyers will be shafted.

“Geesh. Now Mr./Mrs. home buyer, home inspections in Kansas and Missouri are all a waste of time and money. New laws are so basic that all home inspectors now check almost nothing; not even any appliance. I suggest that you do not hire a home inspector, save that $300 and put it towards your down payment”.

What a scam. And it’s legal, and it’s what the agents/associations want.

Are you saying that by law you aren’t allowed to exceed the SOP?

This 3rd Bill is humorous. NAHI does not even have a CHI designation.

I’m guessing Jim Bushart got a rural legislator to throw this one out on the table just to cloud the waters in Missouri. Way to go Jim.

That is really funny. It’s a real Bill too.

Bowers at his finest… If Jim B. was a member of NAHI, I would say Bowers has a creditable thought, but since Jim B. isn’t a member and Bowers is a member of NAHI… which brings up the question… Is someone trying to cover his backside…:wink:

and by the way the bill number is HB1649… and its a whopper :shock:

Pat …

Since NAHI does not even have a designation called CHI what better way for someone to muddy waters but not go anywhere.

Be honest Mr Carter, with you and JB being friendly and both being from rural areas to start - are you two joining forces to try and keep the other 2 Bills from going places. If so … way to go Carter

Smoke and Mirrors - Only you could think that way, Mr. NAHI…:roll:

Mr Carter -

As you know since I’ve trained or spoken for all 3 groups, and belong to all 3 groups … I’ve had the ASHI guys calling me “Mr NACHI” and the NAHI guys calling me “Mr ASHI”, and then YOU. Could you do us all a favor and send a group email to all those folks and just clarify the situation for them.



The finger pointing is starting.

Whatever happens, the home buyers will suffer. Cheap, level-playing-field home inspectors will be the norm. Guys in St. Louis, KC, Springfield, Cassville, will all be out of business, unless they stoop to the low, licensing standards. It will not make any difference what home inspection association gets involved. Charge $199 and get business, charge $350, and starve.

No thanks, I let the rift-raft stay in the dark, its easier on them not to have to think so hard…:stuck_out_tongue:

LOL. Indeed.

I wonder what other surprises are coming down the pipe. :wink:

Come on JB how bout you and PC giving us a heads up. This stuff could end up being a real hoot in Missouri this year and very entertaining.

How bout:

  1. Only licensed engineers can do HI’s;
  2. Only licensed contractors / builders can do HI’s;
  3. Only BPI Certified Engerny Odditors can do HI’s;
  4. Only a iNACHI certified member (CMI) can do HI’s;
  5. 200 hours of classroom and 50 HI’s under licensed CMI required to do HI’s;
  6. Only licensed realestator can do HI’s;

Come on you two give us a clue what next?

Definitely some good ideas, there.

George, yes, you can go over SOP’s, and you will need charge more for your extra time and work.

The basic inspections, that the agents and their croony associations want, will be cheaper in price, and content, allowed by the licensing laws that will be implemented, and take only about an hour to complete; all to sell POS homes to unsuspecting home buyers.

Already there are inspectors in the KC area that have such protective languages in their basic reports, that the agents use them exclusively, to even protect themselves from lawsuits from their client/home buyers that purchase sub-par properties. These “buddy” inspectors in KC have so many phrases in their reports, that they say nothing about the homes, and several lawsuits have resulted. It is sad that the home buyers that are suing these “buddy” inspectors do not speak out to the media.

Wow, I am impressed, for an old guy, you do get pretty creative, so when will your MO Rep introduce # 5 & # 6 on your list :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

There are certainly a myriad of behind-the-scenes activities going on with this year’s legislative efforts.

One group of us connected with people from two ASHI chapters have our thing happening next week. There will be more on that, later after it pans out. I’m not expecting much out of it … just a bunch of guys wasting their time with legislators in Jeff City arguing that ASHI, as an association, is not backing SB 651 and HB 1291 and attempting to discredit their leaders who are seeking appointments to the board that they want to create.

Then there are the other two groups (I’m only actively associated with one of them) … one pushing another (looks like maybe a fourth, or possibly, a fifth) bill and the other, well … if things work out with that, you will be hearing a lot more about it and probably not liking it too much.

I guess someone friendly with NAHI (certainly NOT their ‘2003 Educator of the Year’ ;-)) is looking to financially profit from a billas well. Why not? The more the merrier. I will say that this NAHI bill is a very poor effort for either a proponent or opponent of any licensing bill. It does nothing to interfere with or support the licensing efforts … merely suggests to legislators that members of NAHI should have limited access to the word “certified” which, while amusing, adds nothing to the conversation. Looks like a NAHI chapter with a lot of time on their hands were misled into thinking they were actually doing something by someone with a personal agenda, to me. In any event, it is a harmless effort to add a little frivolity to the circus and we can enjoy it for that, at least.

This year is certainly an “every man for himself” year and I absolutely love it.

I can’t … (pardon me) … I won’t go into much detail here, but I will share with you that the best is yet to come. Too bad Curt Doughertyisn’t here to see it.:smiley:

That’s all I plan to say about this for a while. Enjoy the show.

You know Daugherty’s term expired, so he could not run again. The only thing your article accomplished was to get your name in the paper, gave proof that you are a lier and screwed your fellow NACHI members that was working with Representatives on the inside. You are such a scumbag, Bushart.

Pat -

I was gonna save my MO Rep & Sen contact for the 7th Bill, I was hoping you or JB would use your MO Rep’s Uncle to intro the 5th and 6th Bill.

BUT if the ASHI guys go there and simply argue that the Bills are NOT supported by the state ASHI inspectors - Won’t that stop the show right there. Realtors and others certainly would NOT want a Bill that is not supported by ASHI would they???