4 Point of a 2004

Nothing wrong with the Wind Mitigation. Agent fought with underwriters for 3 days. It is all about remaining life. Looks like a lot of roof certs ahead.

If the wind mit was “kicked back” where on the form would they like the information? Why would they just not ask for a roof cert and accept the 1802? Who was the agent and underwriter? I will forward it to find the policy.

Sounds to me like someone brought it to their attention that this information would not be provided on a 1802…so now they are requesting both the 1802 and roof certs. Hence, more money in your pocket.

You’re welcome.

Just as Mr. Staggs posted in post 8 above, the State farm inspection is not a “4 pt.” inspection. As we all know, their inspection form and information required far exceeds a traditional 4 pt. inspection. As such, we, as professional home inspectors should at least try to educate the consumer that the SF inspection is a comprehensive underwriting survey and far exceeds a 4pt. I know we all have to deal with the bottom feeders and “preferred providers” that are doing all inspections at below market rates. However, I will pledge not do them for cut rates. With unified education from us (professional inspectors) to the consumer and some solidarity, perhaps we could starve the “preferred providers” from their labor pool and drive pricing to market value eventually. I know, I am a crazy optimist.

Maybe I did not make myself clear, it turned out the wind mit was fine. They were looking for remaining life on the roof. Because the 1802 does state years remaining the underwriter told the agent they needed something stating that. I said wouldn’t a roof cert work? She said she had already asked them if a 4 point would be good enough and they said yes…I suggested a roof cert but she said do a 4 point. I did not push the issue because the property was a decent home and the 4 point would be fine. She was just shocked that the wind mit itself wasn’t good enough and from there a lot of wrong questions got asked and things kind of went south. It all worked out in the end and based on what I am reading in this post, I see a whole lot of roof certs getting adding to wind mits. FYI…it was a State Farm agent writing with Citizens.
I know what you are thinking…why on earth would someone want to do that. Short story…it was an out of state buyer and didn’t feel comfortable insuring with a small company and felt because Citizens is the supposed insurance God of Florida, he insisted that is who he had to have.

I didn’t need to pledge to not do anything. I simply don’t do it.
I had one caller recently who said his agent said it would be 200 dollars for a home inspection. That ended quickly. I have had others call for 75 dollar wm and 4pts package.

There will always be those that do them cheaply…and usually poorly.

So be it…

Basically StateFarm inspections need to be higher than your traditional 4-Point inspection. StateFarm’s leading claims driver is water leaks from appliances, so that is why they want the appliances and washer machine hoses inspected with addition to the traditional plumbing inspection. They want to make sure the risk is in good condition and no liability and property hazards associated. So this is why they need to be more money. I don’t get them in my area too close to the coast :cool:

I include washing machine hookups and under sink photos in all of my 4pts. The SF form is definitely a trumped up 4pt with general condition / underwriter inspection included. I thought I heard that there was a move for SF agents to accepting standard CIT form 4pts. Is that not true?

I have never even been asked to do one. I tell people I will do the citizens one and that is always fine. A little more costly than mine but hey I will give them what they want if they pay :slight_smile:

I too also include hookups in my 4pt, but you be amazed most inspectors don’t. I haven’t heard about them accepting the CIT form. I don’t get any request for the SF inspection in my area.

Most carriers will accept the CIT form. Some agents don’t like the form is what I hear most of the time.

What’s the matter with the CIT form? I have never had a complaint, and some statewide companies use it. What do those agents prefer?

Me there is nothing wrong with the form. Some agents told me that it doesn’t give enough some say it is too much. Most agents want the information laid out in plain sight. I have never had a problem with them accepting that form and used it in my days. It depends n the agent. I had one agent ask me to not use this form, told him it is my preference unless stated by the carrier on what form I should use.

I made my own universal template based on the CIT Form.

Let me refrane that, most agents I deal with don’t care what form is used either CIT, Towerhill, Universal and etc…

We have had a couple instances where SF insisted we use their form. Did that once and now we charge extra for it. I refuse to do a home inspection for the price of a 4pt