410A Condenser and R22 Evaporator Coil

I just inspected a home with a Goodman 410a rated condenser and a R22 rated evaporator coil (Air Handler). The combination has been working for one year and the temperature differential was 14 to 16 degrees F.

What is the down side of this combination? I have received responses from two different HVAC contractors, one said it was ok if a valve was changed and another said it might blow up.

Thank you,

For something like that the manufacturer should be contacted

the metering device is most critical, but generally the design of one coil may not be adequate to replace that of another. it is way beyond anything you can do and it is also way beyond what most field technicians can do. This is a laboratory evaluation and as posted, the manufacturers should be consulted as that’s what they do for a living.

Water and air are both fluids but that doesn’t mean boats can fly !

I ran across the same thing today with a trane heat pump. The condenser was just replaced with a 410a unit. The air handler was manufactured in 2001.

Some of these units can be either or…have to be verified.

My son’s unit has a check box for “field modified” to R22 on the inside of the air handler. The coils allow for both but in his case it was originally set up for 410A. Labels can tell you a lot.

Thanks for the replies.

The data plate on the air handler stated R-22 only.

I advised the client to contact the manufacturer to determine if the unit is compatible with 410a. I also recommended that they contact the installer to see exactly what they did and find out what type of warranty they are providing with their modification.

Thanks again.

I just found th opposite. The condenser tag states r22 and the evap coil/air handler calls for 410a and I am only getting a 14 degree split.

What is the indoor wet bulb temp.
What is the dry bulb temp at the condenser coil.
What is the indoor temperature.
What are the high and low refrigerant pressures.
What is the superheat.
What is the subcooling.

Then, we can chat…