45 degree slope of 3" waste pipe?


Have you tried calling the Spokane Building Department and asking one of their Inspectors? Had these houses been converted from septic to sewer systems? Did either of the 45’s have cleanouts and did there appear to be any reason , like clearing an obstruction, for the 45’s?

By the way I gave you a Green Square for making me think and dig through my references, while looking for this I came across things I had forgotten or didn’t know, a good learning experience.


I am not familiar with “Green Square” (sounds environmental) but will take it as a compliment. I enjoy combative dialog that does not role over to slanderous or insulting. Hope we can continue with similar tone.

This was something that I had to did out of my manuals - but would not have done if people would have given up. Your post put me to an area that encouraged me to continue on my hunt. Did you find this link with ‘google’ or did you buy into a book, etc…?


The Green Square is Nachi’s attmept at turning the BB into “Survivor”, the TV Show, its a popularity rating that you can award others by clicking on the Gold Star at the upper right corner of their posts, you can either award them or “vote them off the island”.

I stumbled on that link on google a few months ago while looking for something else, I’d like to find a UPC or IRC for “Dummies”, the UPC said what your manual did, but your manual said it in English, good job.

I believe that much of our earlier conflict was partially caused by a third party involved in our dispute over SPI Licensing, I have her on my ignore list temporarily. I had a 45 minute conversation with Dr. Soumi yesterday part of which was about using Subs to do the SPI Portion of the Inspection, you probably won’t like what he said, but if you want to email me I’ll try to explain what he told me.

I also posted some links yeaterday in the Members Only section of the BB that may interest you in preparing to get yur license, a good link to WSU and a couple of classes being offered in Spokane by the WSPCA, the one on Dec 6th is about WDO and there will be someone there from the WSDA to explain their view on the SPI Issue, the one on Jan 3rd should be great, Hansen, the instructor is known nationwide for her research into Carpenter Ants. I also posted the WSDA Letter to Realtors that shows WSDA’s view on the SPI issue.

If you want to talk about SPI or anything regarding WA State Licensing contact me by email, I think we’d get along better without outside agitation.



Thanks, I will contact via e-mail.