$8,300.00 worth of free nachos pulled in inspectors from 8 different countries.

Free nachos at NACHI’s recent Convention in Toronto brought in inspectors from the U.S., Canada, S. Vietnam, Australia, Dubai, Bangladesh, U.K., and South Africa. Best $8,300.00 we ever spent. :slight_smile: Hot PICs: www.nachi.org/torontolive/

*----- Original Message ----- *
From: dz@idl.net.au
To: **‘nick gromicko’](http://www.nachi.org/forum/)
Sent: Monday, May 28, 2007 1:10 AM
Subject: Visit to Nachi conference from down under


Many thanks for allowing me to attend & participate in your convention in Toronto recently. I have only just made it back to the land of Oz, so the reason for the delay.

Thanks again,

Kind Regards,

David Zammit

The NACHOs and cheese never stopped flowing. :slight_smile:

Great Event!


How many attendees were there?

But I only got one little spoonful of chips and no nacho cheese. :frowning: