A question, and a short story!

**Right click on the microphone icon to play the audio file.
What’s this?

a floating soap bottle!](http://www.joetedesco.org/floatingbottle.pdf) :roll:


Old Books](http://books.google.com/books?pg=PA235&dq=no+electrical+code&ei=xNpGR8v2LJeS7QLmpMGKBw&id=qpU1AAAAMAAJ&as_brr=1&output=html)


Joe, the first link is incorrect…remove one of the /'s after the .org

By the way, I was expecting to see a pic of myself…you can imagine my disappointment when I opened it.


Fixed and edited, thanks Dave !](http://www.joetedesco.org/pictviol.pdf)

Nice links, Thanks

Here’s another really old book about home inspection, even before electric lights?](http://books.google.com/books?printsec=frontcover&dq=home+inspection&id=rn5EAAAAMAAJ&as_brr=1&output=html)