Need help with age of Comfortmaker furnace Serial # L973058323 NTG9050FFA2
Comfortmaker(International Comfort): A letter followed by a 9-digit number. The
second and third letter represent the year, the fourth and fifth numbers represent the week. There may be a date stamp to the right of the serial number.
Serial Number: R883512345 Date of Mfg: 09/88
Thanks so much Larry. I thought that was it but unit looked newer, so I questioned. Appreciate prompt response
As Larry said correctly, the 30th week of 1997. Couple of good web sites for dating HVAC and HW heaters.
Hey Jeffrey, welcome. Thanks for your response, but I didn’t see where you listed the actual web sites. I found a couple, but didn’t find anywith this brand.
HI, and thanks for welcome. Try ON the left you will see pull down menu for hvac equiptment and also hw heaters.
Thanks so much.