According to IRC 2012, all 125-volt, single-phase, 15- or 20-ampere receptacles installed in garages and grade-level portions of unfinished accessory buildings used for storage or work areas shall have ground-fault circuit-interrupter protection for personnel.
All garage receptacles, without exception, including the ones that are not readily accessible.
In previous years, there were exceptions to the rule. But no longer.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but 120- and 125-volt are (for the sake of being simple) the same thing.
Over the years, the voltage has been incrementally raised from 110 to 120 to 125 volts in homes, due to increasing demand. Since you can’t change the wires, you increase the voltage - more push.
What’s interesting to me is that garage door openers should be GFCI-protected.
“…for personnel”. Does not say anything about garage door openers. Personnel cannot access an outlets at the ceiling, unless a ladder is in use. Gray area, IMO.
Just as an FYI…the increase of voltages as you describe has nothing to do with requirement in terms as described. The 125-volt reflects the NEMA ratings.
As for the meat in the freezer…really…lets not go there;)
The protection is for a person using something plugged into the receptacle. This ensures GFI protection should a cord be used on the GDO receptacle for power tools etc.
That happened to me a couple years ago. I was busy at work, and I didn’t notice it for a couple weeks. All the food I brought back from a trip to Alaska, Caribou, Salmon, Halibut, all ruined. :vomit: