Alum 60 AMP on #6 AWG

Can you please take a look at these pics and let me know what you think. Looks like an electrician installed it. Although, it looks like #6 AWG Alum on a 60 AMP breaker to a sub panel. Your thoughts are appreciated.

Too small. It needs to be 3 AWG AL or 6 AWG CU. Or they can reduce the breaker to 40A.


I like your wire size gauge. :smiley:

Electrician called me today and told me this is CODE.

It appears that it is 220V either feeding an electric oven, and AC unit, a subpanel or an electric dryer.

Around here electricians are notorious for downsizing 1 step on the guage for AC units. Wrong is wrong call it out and let the electrician put it in writing that it is correct. Shift liability to him/her.

Also tell him/her to put anti-oxidant paste on it too


This AWG/breaker chart is a screenshot from InterNACHI mandatory online electrical course. It states 4 AWG required for 60 AMP Alum.

Obviously not CANADIAN friendly!

This course should be updated as I used it for a reference along with this forum and it is WRONG!

My Carson Dunlop text states 6AWG on ALUM is OK. Obviously, should have stayed with Carson Dunlop.

Not a happy InterNACHI member!!! Maybe someone from InterNACHI can talk to this Electrician.

Stop reading Carson Dunlop books. They are full of errors. InterNACHI’s course is correct.

InterNACHI course is NOT correct in BC. I have talked to three electricians today and they have crossed reference Canadian Electrical code and #6 AWG Alum is OK for 60 AMP Breakers. Carson Dunlop states the same.

Nick, phone a Canadian Electrician in BC and ask the question “6 AWG alum allowed on 60 AMPS?”

and then have the courseware adjusted for Canadian members.

Carson Dunlop needs to go back to school. Definitely not right, I did industrial electricity for a several years. If you go to an electrical supply store, they will give you a free pocket chart or wheel that you can keep in your truck. My memory is not as good as it use to be so I got to refer to it every once in a while.

I wonder why Canadian electricity is different than American electricity?

Nick, here is the number of the electrician that referenced BC Electric code: 1-250-751-1727

Here is their website:

Don’t know don’t care. Code is code. Fact of the matter is a call was made during a home inspection due to InterNACHI reference material that was challenged by reference to BC electric code by a qualified electrician.

Canada has longer waiting lines.:smiley:

Mark, your electrician must have studied a Carson Dunlop manual as both are wrong.

Where is it wrong? in Colorado or BC?

I suggest you look at your national code, rather than relying on the electricians. There’s a reason we have inspectors checking the work of tradesmen.

Mark asks:

My calculator produces the same result all over the world.

Mark…did you happen to see the type of AL wire, i.e. THHN, THWN, USE, etc?

Here is the 2009 Canadian Electrical code. As you can see for type R90, RW90, T90 Nylon the ampacity is 55** AMPS

** states 55 is equal to 60 AMPS

Therefore ALUM Conductors (not more than 3 in a raceway) can be 60 AMPS when the appropriate type is used.

11-12-2009 5-26-08 PM.jpg