All dramatics aside, I have a bit of a complicated situation on my hands. I am hopeful that by posting here I will be connected with someone locally who can inspect my home.
I am a homeowner in SE Michigan. One of my neighbors has a pipe that runs alongside my house by his driveway from the back of his garage out to a hole in the curb. He is directing the water off his garage and off his house all into this pipe that runs next to my house. With the historic rainfall this past summer, my basement flooded. I had a plumbing company come out and replace the sewer line under my house–this was a legitimate issue regardless of the flooding. While the basement floor was open for this repair, my dad ran water from a hose into the opening of my neighbor’s pipe by his garage. Water came flooding under my house and into the area of my basement that had been jackhammered opened for the sewer repair. (I guess you could say my dad had a hunch that something was amiss). Long story short–then and there, my dad along with my neighbor’s family, dug alongside my house and found that at the corner of my house closest to the street, there was NO connection. Essentially, the water had been coming to this part of the pipe and going straight down, never making it to the street. This caused serious erosion by my house. It’s upsetting. With my neighbor’s refusal to remove the pipe, the section that ran alongside my house was replaced with a new pipe and all the dirt was placed back over it. A couple weeks later, a heavy rainfall caused the area to collapse and I had sediment pushed up through my basement floor. I have a box full of sand that came into my house. I don’t really know how else to explain it. Since then, any time it rains, I have water come up from my floor in my basement.
At first I was advised from the plumbing company that I needed to have my drainage tiles dug up and replaced because the drainage system had been fully compromised. Then I was told that what I really needed instead was an interior drainage system because it is less expensive and the issue would occur again otherwise. My dad is very skeptical of an interior drainage system and thinks the sump pump will be running constantly. Googling led me to this site.
I don’t know what to do about my issue, interior vs exterior waterproofing. I do know that my neighbor drilled holes into his driveway and confirmed sediment has eroded from underneath the concrete there, too. It is cracked and if there were to be any work done outside my house the section of driveway would have to be removed.
Please understand that I have tried working with my neighbor and have tried to involve the city but neither are helping me with my issue. I can go into more details privately.
If you know of someone who you think can help me with my situation, please let me know. I have many pictures and can walk you through it all in person.
Thank you,