Originally Posted By: rpasquier This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
This is VERY questionable to me, this is a rubber hoes coming from the Valve to the floor. Is this acceptable or should I recommend that they replace it with a copper pipe?
The image wouldn't post for some reason, so here is a link. click the word "link".
Originally Posted By: ecrofutt This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
The pipe is supposed to be temperature rated for use as a TPR drain pipe, flow downhill all the way to an open air discharge. No traps, no rubber hose.
Originally Posted By: hgordon This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Here is how I would call it:
"Unsafe/Improper installation at Water Heater TPRV. Product not approved for application. Used approved heat rated material and plumb to an area that would not cause damage to owners belongings incase of a discharge."
Also, did you call the lack of a drip pan. Note a drip pan is required where owners belongings may become damaged in the case of a leak. Seems to me that there may exist that possibility.