Anyone have a similar photo?

I know this is a long shot, but we were contacted by a book author whose upcoming book, called “Concrete Planet,” discusses rebar corrosion in concrete structures.

We did an article not long ago titled “Inspecting Visible Masonry” and found the attached photo on the Internet to use with the article. Although the author would like to use it, unfortunately, we don’t have a source for it. (He must secure permission and attribute its source, unlike the copyright requirements that govern our free, educational articles.)

Does anyone out there have a similar photo (in hi-res) that depicts similar damage and corrosion of rebar within a concrete structure, and would like his/her pic in his book with credit?

If you do, please contact me directly. Thanks!


I will look thru my photos over the week end if you have the time.

Look up steve Jowitz(sp) that kind of stuff is his bread and butter.

Thanks for the responses, guys. Jeff, I think the book author needs something pretty quickly, but Bill Warner has just kindly sent along a photo that I hope will do the trick.

Thanks again!

Attached are pictures of under a double car garage concrete flooring where pool chemical (chlorine) was stored below…

If you want higher resolution pics, send me your email.

Hi again, Folks –

I wanted to let you know that the author, Robert Courland, has submitted his manuscript (“Concrete Planet”) to his publisher, and he wanted to me thank everyone who’s been in touch and submitted photos for consideration to be included in his publication.

He will indeed be using at least one photo (that I know of) by Bill Smith, who will be credited, and he’ll also be giving InterNACHI a shout-out in the acknowledgments. (I have forwarded all photos I’ve received to him in case he writes a sequel!)

Thank you all so much for your response – he was very impressed with the immediate and generous feedback he received. And I’m always impressed! :wink: