ASHI members going bullistic over CMI Terms of Use.

Rick, I agree completely and Kevin, I respectfully disagree - to me, the end (a small marketing gimmick) does not justify the means (levels of membership)

True, no one is forcing any designation on anyone. But it is not the place of the association to endorse new designations that will create a new stratus of members.

The 2.5 years, 250 inspections plus some cash, a class and a test threshold is laughably low for a “Master”. It equates to exactly what is required simply to be considered a full member of ASHI.

It strikes me that the similarity between those qualifications is not by accident. (It may be to prevent some NACHI experienced members from jumping to ASHI.) What will be thought of those who have 2.5 years but do not have the designation. (Can’t pass the test?)

There are a variety or more vigorous and well-respected designations that one can achieve if one so desires (ICC certification and the like). So, why is this one needed?

It equates to mothing more than a marketing gimmick.

What is the most effective way to market such a certification? By using it as a feature that sets you above the rest. This is done by advertising that you are a “Master Inspector” and others are dangerous, clueless rookies.

Now, of course others already advertise their credentials, experience, etc. But those credentials were earned independantly of NACHI, not as a direct result of some artifical designation that was dreamt up and endorsed by NACHI.

It is not the place for this (or any) association to create designations that label some members as better than others. The only reason trade unions did this was to protect the income and work status of the more experienced inspectors, and controlling membership - is that what we’re all about?

It just sits very poorly with me and I can no longer draw any distinction between us and ASHI, except that they require this of full Members and ours will be “voluntary” but those without it will appear to be poorly qualified in teh face of effective marketing by CMI holders.

Joe M.:

Point taken, I should not have told you to “pay attention” as you clearly are by engaging me on this thread. I should be thanking you for that instead of being rude. You have my apology.

I also pay attention… to you. I see your point about the 2 1/2 years as it is somewhat meaningless because some inspectors get the required experience (250 inspections) in 4 months. Would you be willing to start a new thread proposing that the time requirement be reduced? I’ll publicly support your proposal. Here are the currently adopted requirements:


The reason I say “ASHI members are going bullistic” because ASHI members are going bullistic. ASHI hired a law firm to send a threatening letter to our attorneys trying to get us to stop our Certified Master Inspector program. That is pretty bullistic! NACHI has never sued ASHI… not once. If ASHI spent as much energy on developing their own membership benefits to compete with NACHI’s they might not need so many attorneys.

Nick, that is an interesting thought, and I appreciate you taking the time to engage me on this issue. If my passion gets the better of me and I come across rudely, I apologize as well.

It was my impression that you were driving the CMI idea anyway, why would you need me to propose any alteration to the formula? I haven’t offered any to this point (I’ve discouraged it), and yet, here we are anyway!

Removing or lowering the time constraint element moves the CMI even closer to a mirror image of ASHI “full member” requirements. But it would make it available to more members, sooner… I still see this as setting up an ASHI type membership with two distinct classes, and I don’t like it.

Thank you for listening, and - since there are few voices joining my outcry - it must that the masses agree with you.

I doubt it.

search the archives on this subject.

I respect the thought process you employed to arrive at your position, presented with the same data-set my conclusions differ, but that in no way invalidates your opinion. The stumbling block for me is a single word… Certified, and its connotation and significance within our association. If I may, Webster defines **Certified **as follows.

I suspect what I am asking is how can we bill ourselves as Certified elite home inspectors without some type of respectable certifying body agreeing to our special ranking within our profession? Again if we are all the same, can we all be special? I am just attempting to follow the logic you presented and this is where it has led.

Personally I have no need for CMI, my goal is to raise awareness that our current Modus Operandi is to award Certified status to individuals who wouldn’t pass muster with the majority of their home inspectors peers within our profession. Building a masters program on an obviously shaky certified home inspector foundation is a recipe for disaster.

No, Joe, it’s just that Joe Farsetta has told us that arguing about it is a moot point, because CMI is going to happen. He has just about completed it.

Now we’ll see what it is when it is unleashed upon us, and determine good or bad based solely on it’s own merits.

Resistance is futile, Nick wants CMI.

I do want a CMI, but what CMI? Even Joe Farsetta is likely willing to entertain a proposal to “change” (or as I like to say… “evolve”) the

Looks to me like an extreme sleezbag attempt to sell a bogus, good for nothing CMI education course. Tell me, what local, state or federal organization will acknowledge the elevated status of a CMI holder? My guess is none, I’ll allow Mr. Farsetta and his CMI Three-Ring-Circus to prove me wrong.

When someone takes an NHIE prep course and then goes on to pass the NHIE they are awarded a nationally respected certificate, same goes for any of the ICC courses & exams. When the CMI is worth something then I might be interested, till then I’ll devote my time & money to worthwhile pursuits with proven returns.

As described (in one of the press releases), it sounds like the CMI exam would likely surpass the NHIE in several areas. I have never seen a similar level of detail in exam creation processes and evolution attributed to the NHIE.

The CMI is a designation to use for marketing. Just like the NHIE is. The primary reason I suspect ASHI is so quick to “nationally recognize” the NHIE is that they wrote it and reaped some financial benefit from it. So, let’s not get too starry-eyed about it.

The NHIE is a MINIMUM standard exam which is why it is sometimes used for licensing purposes. Licensing is typically MINIMUM standard as well. In fact the NHIE website admits it is a MINIMUM standard exam.

The CMI exam is the other end of the scale and is an ADVANCED exam

That is why CMI will not be adopting the MINIMUM standard NHIE. CMI will use the ADVANCED CMIE at

Is this the same exam that Gerry and others worked on, or is it a new one?

The CMI in is one we’ve worked on for a couple years. Gerry created one or two himself as have several schools. All of them are very advanced and should not be used as an entrance or MINIMUM standard licensing exam like the simple NHIE.

Burkeson brings up some good points. I cannot support a program that is nothing more than a marketing ploy. Now if the program was about EDUCATION like the GRI of Real Estate I could support that. But I would be absolutely opposed to a $200 buy a CD and get your certification. I would like to see Russ Myers, the education committee, Gerry Beaumont, and the MAB have all input as to what goes into this EDUCATION program. To think that your a master by performing 250 inspections is a bunch of garbage. To pass the NHIE is an accomplishment but not the end all be all.

Just because I have a Masters in Business Administration does not make me better than someone who did not seek the education. It does however separate me IF the job I am interviewing for requires it.

CMI in its current form is dead on arrival. Alot more thought and execution needs to go into this before I would take it seriously.

By the way, how much is the Awards banquet gonna cost per plate?

CMI is ALL about education. In fact it is mostly education. Read

I have taken the one Gerry posted a link to some months ago. I agree that it is a better test than the NHIE, but it is not really any more difficult.


Todd: Exactly… that is why CMI does not rely on merely one exam (and certainly not the comical NHIE). CMI requirements rely in part on Education, in part on Competence, and in part on Experience. It is a masterpiece.

Todd and others, the CMI exam link that Nick refers to is an older version, I have actually built serveral versions, the latest of which now has 1,000 questions covering 16 different topics including ethics and standards of practice, maybe I will post a limited time link to it, but I will have to edit some sensitive information from its intro first, and If I do so it will only be in Members only and for a short time.



I was not referring to the CMI requirements only the tests.

This seems to imply that the CMI tests are far superior and therefore much harder than the NHIE. So, I tought I would give my oppinion of the 2 tests, but we all know about oppinions----:wink:

Thats great:D
I look forward to it. I am sure it will be an excellent test as the first one was pretty darn good. :cool:


Please do not be offended by my vocal opposition to teh CMI. I am sure the test is of excellent quality - the decription and methods of development alone appear to be of the top quality.

The CMI is NOT “all about education” as Nick would like to think. It is partly about education, but only so far as taking one class and retaining the information long enough to pass the test can qualify as education. Now a series of tests (as is required for the ICC Building Inspector title)…that’s all about education!

The NHIE is not that hard, fellas. It isn’t a joke as Nick suggests, but it isn’t even the Home Inspection equivilent of the SAT. Let’s stop making it more than it is. It is a standardized test. Big deal. I took it, I passed, I don’t even market it because it is such an insignificant qualification.

Am I glad I did? Sure. But it didn’t make me any better an inspector than I was the day before I took it. In fact, it will mean less than my termite and radon certs will since I know that those will generate revenue and can be effectively marketed!

Now ICC Certified - THAT will mean something to me. That is a lot of education and testing to go through and I am certain I will come out of it a better inspector than when I began.

CMI? I think the test will be an improvement over the NHIE, but everything about it bothers me, especially the fact it will segregate NACHI members.

Not exactly the equivelent of a master-level comprehension of concepts.

The time and inspection thresholds are very low for something that bears the title “Master”.