Originally Posted By: David Smith This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
The Canadian Asphalt Shingle Manufacturers Association has a good technical bulletin on algae staining. I have found their other technical bulletins to be helpful.
Originally Posted By: rking This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Over here in Ontario the word is out that in Quebec they PAY you to have kids ![icon_exclaim.gif](upload://kW92MliyHA8ygoXI0UsgtBSn4ZO.gif)
There is a catch about being native french (no offense to my Canadian brothers) I think, but if you were born there
Then again at your young age you might not want to add to the population
If you are really going come back to the Great White North though just remember to keep your Yankee dollars, they will make you a fortune up here ![icon_exclaim.gif](upload://kW92MliyHA8ygoXI0UsgtBSn4ZO.gif) ![icon_exclaim.gif](upload://kW92MliyHA8ygoXI0UsgtBSn4ZO.gif)
-- Muskoka Home Inspections
"Wisdom is the Anticipation of the Consequences"
Steering Committee Member At Large
Originally Posted By: nlewis This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
It's a good thing you are not inspecting in NJ. I doubt you could get the H.I. license with only a green card. ![icon_wink.gif](upload://ssT9V5t45yjlgXqiFRXL04eXtqw.gif)
But I have heard rumors that the licensing board would consider a box of those Cuban cigars you smoke as an alternative to being a citizen.
Originally Posted By: cradan This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Before we line-up for citizenship papers, let’s NOT forget…if you’re talking Jersey, which country would you be a citizen of??? North, or South? Meadowlands, or Pine Barrens? Delicious tomatoes from Swedesboro, or 3 day old produce from Hunt’s Point in the Bronx? Eagles, or Giants? Exit 4, or Exit 15(A)? Overpriced homes in Basking Ridge, or overpriced homes in Haddonfield? High property taxes, or high property taxes? A week-end dedicated to a bit of culture in the city…Camden, or Bayonne?
Aaah....on second thought, don't worry about it. Even if they'd actually establish two countries, they'd probably still share the N.J. DMV, so everyone in both countries could still enjoy THAT experience...