ooooh boy…
Is there a way to opt out of that list? I do not want any more spam!
There better be or there will be an awful lot of vendors who will lose their email and ISP accounts. No Opt-out in the email - goes directly to SPAM COP.
Selling my info to venders how nice.:twisted:
Please take all my information out of the database please. You will wont you?
I’m guessing no, they won’t remove you from the database.
In 2 years, I think I’ve got 4 referrals for inspections through NACHI. In 2 weeks, I’ve got over 30 emails from vendors. These automatically got to Junk file and I report every one of them as unsolicited spam.
I too would be like to taken of this data base, whist I have no problems with vendors being on the web site (although I do think there should be a section for the vendors within the message board rather than just putting there threads anywhere) I would like to choose what vendors I get in contact with, not the other way round.
I would also prefer that my contact information does not go to vendors.
Paul Hinsperger
Hinsperger Inspection Services
Orangeville Ontario
“PlanetNACHI… resistance to spam and phone calls from vendors is futile”
Agreed, so is complaining
Nick I did I give the OK to sell my information NO. If you wish to sell my information send me $4,000.00 an you can sell it Other wise remover me from the list.
Please take all my information out of the CMI database please.
:idea: Do the vendor contacts count as CE towards my CMI???:lol:
You have my permission to include my name on your vendor’s inspector database, but each vendor must pay you $100.00, and I would like a $33.34 cut from that fee for each vendor who accesses the database. I call that fair. Thanks in advance for your cooperation.
This is a formal request: please remove my name, company name, email address and any other information regarding myself or my company from the Every Inspector database. Thank you for your assistance in this matter.
NACHI doesn’t sell NACHI member info.
MICB constantly mines for every inspector’s contact information on thousands of public sites and purchases lists from vendors so as to continually update its database of every inspector in the industry (a daunting task).
MICB then allows inspection industry vendors to opt-into the database system so that everyone doesn’t have to maintain their own database. It is maintained more efficiently by MICB.
MICB does NOT email anyone ever.
The vendors that participate in agree to provide opt-out options for the emails they send.
Why does the not-for-profit board of the CMI program need this information?
Why would they need to sell it? Is not the CMI program self-funding?
Are there paid positions involved in the CMI program?
There is also a pretty strong link between Nick and the CMI Board - I have to think that (just as when he told us he could easily get changes to the CMI formula implemented) if he expressed the will of NACHI members not to be included in such a database, or if he strongly suggested that such an endeavor be squashed, that it would be.
Will Nick I want to opt-out NOW remove me from the spam list you all are selling.
Has any one proved that spam is coming from the CHI list .
I get a huge amount of spam.
My wife who has her own email address and her own computer gets very little .
We are both NACHI members and Both CHIs .
So if the spam was coming from the CMI List we should both get the same amount .
Thoughts . Roy Cooke