Attic Combustion Air

Originally Posted By: thoover
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Tim Hoover
Eastex Property Inspections, PLLC

Originally Posted By: kmcmahon
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Nice chimney construction too! I would guess that is an abandoned flue for something in the attic long ago.

Wisconsin Home Inspection, ABC Home Inspection LLC

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Originally Posted By: lkage
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It looks like vent connection is the least of the concerns on that chimney.

Look at the voids in those mortar joints! ![icon_sad.gif](upload://nMBtKsE7kuDHGvTX96IWpBt1rTb.gif)

"I have never met a man so ignorant that I couldn't learn something from him."
Galileo Galilei

Originally Posted By: thoover
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The fireplace is a pre-fab unit with metal chimney/flue. These blocks are there to support the brick chimney on top of the roof. There shouldn’t be a problem with them leaking combustion gases as the fireplace would be functional without them. I already recommended that they be evaluated.

One more question, though. I don't have a picture of it, but the fireplace cleanout opens into the garage. Could this not cause the same type of safety issue as an open flame in a Water Heater in a garage? While the actual "fire" in the fireplace would be 18" above the garage floor, I'm sure that the prefab firebox isn't air-tight....just a thought.

Tim Hoover

Originally Posted By: pdacey
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I would check the manufacturer’s spec for the make up air requirements. Although I see it in the attic all the time, most fireplace manufacturers say that the vent for make up air should not be located higher than the firebox, so in the attic would not be correct.


Patrick Dacey
TREC # 6636