Attn: Web Developers that deal with NACHI...

Originally Posted By: gjohnson
This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.

The NACHI Foundation is currently accepting bids to have a new website designed for us. You can view our current website at

Some of the featurest that we would like to appear on our website would be.

Tracking Captial Campaign so members can see how close to goals we are.

A current events and news area.

Showing donors who have contributed to the Foundation
Online Scholarship application
Online Donations
The ability to have one of the foundation members change any text and or add news as it comes available.

The foundation site must stay on the servers that we host. If you would like more detail or have ideas please don't hesitate to call me.

Gary (Snicker's) Johnson - Free NACHOS
The NACHI Foundation
Executive Director
