The supply ducts were covered with the cloth material and a plaster like finish. According to the original owner, (very senior in age) the house was converted to gas in the early 30's.
The remaining ductwork had large and small cracks along the visible area.
More than likely is asbestos, left the buyers with an unknown material requiring further investigation. Now look at the coloring of the material. The photo makes is appear to be rust, but its not. Very pretty shades of blue, green, black, yellow and red. Since we didn't have an IAQ specialist with us the assumption is mold (basement smelled heavily of mildew) more than likely from my limited exposure from working with IAQ people its Stachyboytrs, and its not black.
What's really scarry is that if you look at some of the remaining ductwork you will notice that the covering is missing, yet signs of it being there is visible. You just know that the old material wasn't removed by a remediation contractor. Somebody could be really sick now or in the very new future.
Watch what you touch and what you could be breathing in! I wish I could have stayed in this dwelling for a few more hours. Way too many things to see, shoot and share.
Originally Posted By: psabados This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
That’s what he tells his wife. Watching the sunset! Bull! More liking watching the moons in the bikini’s Probably wearing sunglasses so no one can tell.